Chapter V | Drama at the Tavern

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Later when Sierra and Autumn arrived at the Tavern, she wasn't expecting anything to go well at all because after all that happened at school today. The Local Tavern was sort of the hangout spot for most of the people in the evening. When Sierra had walked into the tavern, she was expecting to be greeted by all looks but people were conversing. They didn't pay much attention to her and she went to the counter however she noticed Justin and his buddies.

Justin was talking with his friends when he noticed her which he smirked a bit before he said "Sorry guys I gotta go buy someone a drink" and he got up from the table. He went over to Sierra now, one of his friends said "Oh there he goes again flirting with the new girl". Sierra said "What is it now Justin?" and Justin replied "Nothin just want to buy you a drink". Sierra stated "I ain't spreading my legs for you" and Justin replied "I wasn't meaning that".

Sierra said "Oh, well back in San Diego" Justin replied "I'm just buying you a drink for all the shit that you had to go through today" as Sierra stated "Oh well thanks then". Sierra sits down on the stool, as Justin had sat down down with her now. Elizabeth came over to the counter and he said "So what will it be Justin and, say who's your new girlfriend today". Sierra looked at Elizabeth now like she wanted to kill the woman.

Justin replied "Elizabeth, we're not dating. I just helped her out with some issues that she was having at school today, some of the students were harassing her". Elizabeth stated "Ah well who were they and I'll give them a reason to not mess around with a new face". However Autumn then said "Sierra" which she approached the three now. Elizabeth saw Autumn and she said "What the hell, I thought you'd be amongst your brothers".

Autumn replied "Unlike my family, I paid my taxes like an actual responsible person" she stated which explained why Autumn was the only free one in the family. Elizabeth looked at Sierra and then she saw the resemblance in the two besides Sierra's Hispanic traits. Elizabeth asked "So imma assumed that she's your daughter Autumn" and Autumn nodded. Yet one of Justin's own song's came on, well one of his favorite songs not one of his own songs.

Justin said "Why this song, this is how you start problems" he asked for two beers now and Elizabeth went and got them for the two, in the meantime Justin looked at Sierra. Sierra asked rather confused "What now?" and all that happened next was he dragged her. The two ended up dancing together, Sierra was speechless on how fast it happened. Hell it shouldn't be like this because she didn't see herself as the dancing type let alone with this guy.

However their dance was surely interrupted when someone called out "Sierra" and the two stopped when some woman approached Sierra and go figure, it was Justin's Ex. Justin said "Oh god what are you doing here Kaitlyn" as he held Sierra close. Kaitlyn stated "Stay out of this Justin this is between me and her, what did I tell you stupid city broad". When she said that, all they heard Autumn say "She ain't a City brod unlike you blonde bitch".

Kaitlyn then replied "All she is is some city girl who thinks she can blend in with us, and she ruins the attire" but Justin argued "Nah I think she looks just fine in the shorts". Sierra went quiet when he said this, she had no idea what to say in response. Not once in her lifetime was she told this, well that's sort of a lie because back in San Diego, she got told it a lot. This was different, there she just ignored the things that they said.

Yet here it was different because for some odd reason whenever he said it, it was different because it was like he actually meant what he said. Or maybe it was just her own thoughts playing tricks on her because all this guy was doin was just using his charm on her. It felt all different, yeah she's had many boyfriends and yeah they didn't last long. Yet none of them made much of an impact on her as this new guy she had met.

Now she didn't want to call the shots early but it seemed like from the perspective of Elizabeth, Elizabeth saw the two getting together way early on like it was unpreventable. Something about the two had a spark that wasn't seen at all in the entire history of Oak Heart. Especially when it came down to an Underwood and an Anderson, it was the ultimate forbidden pair. Yet what happened next would only cause a fight within the bar now.

The next thing that Kaitlyn said, really drove Sierra to the limit and that was the fact that Kaitlyn rather called Sierra, a diseased ridden sack and that drove it now. You could call her many names, she's been called a bitch or whatever and she didn't react much. But when you claim something untrue about her then you're getting the real side of her. Well let's say when Sierra got into Kaitlyn's face that was when the fight broke out between the two.

It took Elizabeth and Autumn to break up the fight and all Elizabeth said "Enough both of you, god damn you both act like crazy dogs in their heat cycles". Kaitlyn said "The fucking bitch should understand that she should've stayed in her". However Elizabeth said "Y'know what, Im done here" and she grabbed Kaitlyn and dragged her now. Once outside, Elizabeth threw Kaitlyn into the dumpster and she said "Enjoy the trash you damn trash bag". 

Elizabeth went back behind the counter and she said "Now then with that out of the way, anyone else wants to start drama in my bar now?". Yet nobody dared to start any more issues and in fact they went back to their own thing now. All she said now was "Speaking of which, the tab's on me Autumn in favor of taking out that trash". Sierra said "Ugh thank god, I'm starving" and she sat down at the counter where she wanted to drown her sorrows now.

Justin went and sat down with his buddies once more, although it seemed like something was between the two, he didn't push it much cause he was taking his time with it. He wanted to see if it really was going where he thought it was going. But he also knew that he had to be quick as well because he may only have the one shot now. Hopefully he can play the cards right even though his recent breakup, it seemed like the new girl really changed him quick.

Whatever happened next within that very small town of Oak heart, it was certainly going to rock the town and question everything that happened prior leading up to this.

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