Chapter III | Class Drama

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When Sierra had walked into her class, she was a bit late and all she had was looks at her and she didn't know what to do except go and take her seat. The only avaliable seat was right next to Justin, and all she could do was go and take it now. However when she had done so, it caused the class to go quiet because they expected Justin to do something. Justin didn't and he said "Don't know why you guys went quiet, I ain't antagonizing the new girl".

Sierra sighed in relief, however Justin's Ex got irritated at this and all she said was "At least I ain't the daughter of an abomination" which some of the students laughed a bit. Sierra replied "at least I ain't the slut of the school" and that's when his ex got up now. However as soon as she gone over to do something to Sierra, the teacher came in. The Teacher said "Kaitlyn, sit down and behave yourself for once" as he gone and sits down in his chair.

Then once the class begun, the teacher said "Alright so we have a new student in our class and I don't care about what you guys have to say". The teacher added "Please welcome, Sierra Anderson to the school" which some of the student's boo'd at Sierra. Justin ignored the boo's and all he done was kicked his legs up now not impressed at the students. Yet the teacher said "Alright enough, with that said we'll begin with today's lesson".

And as the class went on, Kaitlyn had given Sierra some glares now which Sierra ignored those glares that she got received, and she wondered how her mother was doing. While this had gone on and into the end of their class, all she knew was that people did not like her. She didn't mind it as much, what really caught her attention is the fact that Justin was protecting her. After class, Sierra had gone to her locker when she was confronted by Kaitlyn.

All Kaitlyn said to her was "Stay away from Justin, he ain't interested in a freak like you" and she went off now which Sierra had shrugged whatever she had to say off now. She thought that Kaitlyn was just being a spoiled little bitch now and that's what she really thought. And with how she's been acting, her thoughts were not off from a long shot. She had a few more periods to go before she was able to get any sort of lunch. 

However when lunch came it was a different story because once she had gotten her food, she was trying to find a place to sit but nobody would let her. Until she got around Justin's table and she had gone to sit down with him and his friends but his friends moved away. They thought Justin would move yet he remained and Sierra sat down across from him. Justin said "how's your day been Sierra" and Sierra shrugged before she said "Okay I guess".

However she said "you can move if you want i won't mind" however Justin replied "nah it's alright I don't mind spending the lunch with you" he chuckled a bit. Justin added "Besides you shouldn't have to be all on your own, you deserve some friends". Sierra chuckled and she said "Thanks I mean that means something I guess". Yet one of the people said "Yea making friends with your own enemy should be a sin itself" and some people agreed.

However Justin said "Would all of you guys just shut the fuck up for once, damn you've been causing her trouble since she got here and its all because of her family". Justin was standing up for once before someone said "At least most of us still have dignity unlike you Justin". They referenced the situation regarding his Ex, and Justin then got up now. Justin went over to the person who said that before he slammed the person's head down hard.

He then gone back to his seat and he said "Anyone else wants a piece of me fucking say something about me" and he sits back down now. First time he's ever been violent in school, well sort of but it's the first time that he's been caught himself. One of the staff told him to follow them to the office, however Sierra went after him as well. Justin didn't care for the repercussions now and in fact he was happy to be sitting in the office.

Yet while Sierra was sitting with Justin, keeping the guy entertained it was when one of the staff told her that she needed to get back to class. However in one move that she would later regret, she called the person an ignorant little bitch just to stay in the office. And certainly her calling the staff that really did get him in that situation herself. However she didn't realize that even though she was just being verbal, what happened next would go horribly wrong.

Although initially, Justin's parents had shown up in regards to Justin being violent towards another student and though Justin was glad for what he did. Sierra's mother ended up being called in, and well when Autumn had entered the room all she saw was the four. And all Autumn said was "Well, hello there Romeo... Amethyst". The Two looked at Autumn, and all Romeo said was "Well hello there Autumn, long time I must admit".

Autumn nodded before she said "So what happened with you Sierra" and Sierra replied "i was keeping Justin company but then the little bitch". Justin however said "Let me talk alright, people were harassing Sierra and all I did was stand up for her". Romeo then asked "You stood up for Anderson, in all of the people you stood up for her". Justin replied "yeah and I don't care what you have to say really, ground me... hate me I don't care father".

Autumn replied "hate you? Personally its the first time I heard of an Underwood standing up for one of us" and Romeo nodded "First time I heard of it as well". Justin sighed as he looked at Sierra before he said "Just wait they're about to blow up". However nothing happened and what did happen was Amethyst saying "So what seems the problem here? I see that it's fine". Yet a staff said "Justin slammed a guys head into the lunch table".

On the other hand, Rome said "Justin what did we talk about slamming peoples heads into tables, it doesn't always benefit you in the long run". He was disappointed but he wasn't the type that would be screaming his head off at his child for it. Autumn tried to figure out what was wrong with her daughter now because she thought her daughter was innocent. Yet when it came clear when Sierra told her story, Autumn wasn't really happy either.

Yet Autumn and Romeo sort of remembered when they were in that situation as well, because they were in their position at one point as well. So it sort of caused them to be more lenient on the two as their own parents, but it still sort of reminded them of the aftermath. Romeo said "Justin, all I can really say is you're going to be working twice as hard on the ranch". Autumn added "And Sierra, you'll be repainting the exterior of the house".

The two were unhappy with what they got but to be honest, things could be a hundred times worse than what they had initially thought, one question remained though. Why didn't Romeo and Autumn scream at each other when the two initially saw each other again. Was the feud between both families finally over? Were things finally going back to normal. Time can only tell on what happens next now.

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