Chapter IV | Simple Paint Delivery

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In the aftermath of the event at school, when Justin returned home from that single day all he knew was that day was going to be a long one especially with what his father said. Although all he had on his mind is what happened between him and Sierra really. Something about her hit something in him that was unlike anything he's felt before. He didn't want to call it early because of what had happened just recently.

However he couldn't help to just not ignore what was going on with him and he originally sat down in his room and he took the moment to ponder to himself. Why was he starting to feel these emotions way too early, especially after the horrific breakup he went through? And most of all, why was it with the daughter of his father's own enemy. These thoughts had troubled him and he couldn't decide on what they mean now.

Meanwhile on the Anderson Ranch and well, Sierra was not happy at all that she had to repaint the entire house now and the house was two stories. She originally sighed to herself because things couldn't just get any worse now could it now. After all, Kaitlyn threatened her ass at school yet she was yet unamused by her words and now Justin was standing for her. Speaking of which, that guy she could not explain it but he had a charm to him.

She thought it was just him being friendly and that is all she took it as because she could never see herself being with a guy like him, a city girl and a country guy it was impossible. Yet she was unaware of the situation of his own parents as well. Sierra always thought she was the city girl and she never liked the countryside at all, yet that changed over the course. Especially when she finally saw that the attire was better looking on her than the city attire.

Sierra was looking at the house which she was questioning on what color that her mother even wanted the house to be painted since it was confusing. However she was thinking to herself and she looked down at herself, as she was trying to think of the attire she was wearing. The shorts plus the tank top, she couldn't help but notice how it showed her curves. She never saw this with the ripped jeans that she wore, well she sort of did but they'd have to be small.

Yet here she could wear the same size and her thighs were obviously noticeable, and despite her belly piercing, she had a pear-shaped body. She said "never knew that the attire showed me off better" she chuckled before she looked around briefly. She went and sat down on the steps now, and as she looked down the gravel road, she said "Nobody understands me". She didn't know why she claimed that when Justin clearly understood her position.

However as she continued to wait for her mother's return, she was wondering what Justin was up to now across the county because she didn't think he was having it easier. She was not wrong, meanwhile with Justin, he was off doing some work on the ranch. While Justin was working, he was thinking to himself about some of the recent events. Although he didn't pay much attention to the time and he was more focused on the work.

However during his process of working on the ranch, he was thinking about what happened earlier that day when Sierra was being harassed for some stupid reason. He didn't really pay much attention to the situation but he knew something was bound to happen. Something obviously was sparking between him and Sierra, he didn't know what it was. He heard a vehicle and his father's truck was pulling back into the ranch now.

Justin sighed because he knew that his father wouldn't let him hear the end of it for what happened today, however it wasn't that. When Romeo got out of the vehicle, he said "Justin, I need you to make a run for me" and Justin replied "Where to". Rome replied "The Old Anderson Ranch" and Justin questioned it now and he asked "Why there". Rome stated "Cause I was at work and Autumn ended up coming into the shop and she needs paint delivered".

His father added "Plus my truck is not doing well, I was driving here and something broke and it's been making sounds so I need to work on it". Justin sighed and he said "Alright I'll get it delivered to the ranch then" Rome nodded and he went to work on his truck. Meanwhile Justin had gone and switched the paint into his truck, once he did so he got into his truck. He drove off from his family ranch and he head across the county for the Anderson ranch.

Meanwhile speaking of Anderson's, Sierra was sitting on the porch when her mother returned as she said "Well there's my mother knowing she wouldn't let me hear the end of it". Yet when Autumn was getting out of the vehicle, she was walking up to the house. That was when fifteen minutes later another truck appeared driving down the gravel road. It wasn't Rome's truck and it was questionable for Sierra and Autumn now as the two looked out at the truck.

Justin had stopped his truck before he left and got out of the vehicle before he went to get the paint cans from the back of his truck and he carried them to the porch. Although he saw Sierra and all he did was whistle a bit at her now which Sierra went dead quiet now. Autumn just said "Okay enough whistling at my daughter besides, she's not some doll". Sierra replied "Mother shut up, can you go inside at least besides I have to paint the house".

Justin chuckled as Autumn went into the house which all Autumn said "You have your mother's attitude" and Sierra groaned now at her statement which Justin replied "How's it been". Sierra sighed a bit before she said "it's been chaotic the past few hours". Justin nodded before he said "I get that Sierra, my father's truck was broken down so he had me deliver it". Sierra nodded a bit before she said "Alright well I better get to work then".

Sierra walked off with the paint although briefly she felt like she was being watched a bit, she just said "Can you not watch me walk" Justin acted to whistle like he wasn't. Although both of them knew that he was watching her rather than checking her out. Justin's phone went off, he said "Ugh" and he answered it and he said "Yea dad the paint's delivered". He went to his truck now because he was now needed back home.

All Sierra said to herself now that he was gone was "He's weird" she went to get to work although she ignored the fact that she really didn't mind eyeballing her. She also knew that if she had admitted such a thing, she would never forgive herself at all. It took her three and a half hours until she was finished with the house now, that was when her mother came out. Her mother mentioned about that tavern they could go to and she agreed with it.

Personally to herself, she thought to herself like what could she really lose if she went to the tavern with her mother to enjoy herself after a long day of work. Yet that was the least of her concerns now, because what happened at the tavern would later change things.

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