Chapter XV | Another late night

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Later that same evening, when Justin had returned from spending time with Sierra and well it had seemed like nothing got out to them so he thought he was in the clear. He went to his own room and he relaxed into the chair in his room and he pressed a button. Once his console had started, he loaded up one of his favorite games in the meantime. However there was a knock on the door and he said "Yeah what is it" and Carrie opened the door.

Carrie then asked "So how was your intimate time with Sierra" then Justin spit out his drink and he said "Who told you about that" Carrie replied "Autumn called us". Justin then said "Son of a fucking bitch" and he added "Fucking great now my father knows". He seemed irritated now, as he said "Now he's gonna give me some stupid lecture on how he wasn't". Carrie replied "Ah don't say that is true, remember my father has given him that lecture".

Carrie chuckled a bit before she said "Anyways Justin, Just don't do something stupid alright" and she added "I mean I made that mistake when I was younger as well". Justin asked "Let me guess, you got pregnant" Carrie replied "I ain't gonna accept or deny that theory". Carrie stated "Anyways I'm going back downstairs to relax a bit more, I'll see you later". Justin nodded and his cousin left the room, and he got up and went and shut the door, locking it this time.

However as soon as he sat down on his bed, his girlfriend ended up calling him now and Justin sighed a bit before he answered it and he said "Yea what is it darling". Sierra replied "Nothin, just wanting to kill some time, I mean there's not much to do". Justin chuckled a bit before he replied "Alright baby, well what are you up to really". And Sierra replied "Just doing my own thing, painting my nails and talking to you while in the process".

Sierra then asked "And now what are you doing" and Justin replied "Loading up my game" as he just opened up the multiplayer on his video game and he set it for a team deathmatch. He then rolled his chair over and began to play some music on his radio. Then he rolled back over and he said "Sorry darling, I like playing music while I play video games". Sierra asked "I ain't complaining, so darling about tomorrow" and Justin replied "Yea what is it?".

Sierra replied "Well maybe tomorrow we could just hang out and such around my place, like I mean... I don't know really" and Justin chuckled a bit now at her nervousness. He asked "Let me guess, you never really had any friends over at your own place". Sierra replied "Yea it's always me going to their place and never them coming to mine". Justin chuckled a bit before he said "Yea, I'll come over to your place darling... Just inform your mother I'll be coming over".

Justin added "I don't think she's really happy about what happened, her walking in on us while I was taking my shirt off" and Sierra chuckled a bit before she said "She ain't mad'. She added "But she didn't let me hear the end of it either, she gave a long talk". Justin replied "same talk my father would've given me" and Sierra replied "Nah a different talk probably". She added "Mother was like saying if I got pregnant before I graduate, she'd kill me".

Justin replied "Nah, that sounds like the same talk I'd get from my father. He'd tell me that if I were to get someone pregnant then he'd most likely hold a shotgun to my back". Sierra replied "Oh god your family actually does those types of things". Justin nodded and he said "Yea, He'd expect me to marry whoever it was or else I'd get taken off the planet". Sierra said "Jeez, sounds like quite the lovely family compared to mine".

Justin replied "Oh they're just so joyous to be around... Okay some of that was just sarcasm, I mean my family is okay but... trust me you don't want to spend a day here". Sierra replied "Oh please it can't be that bad" however she was going to be in for a surprise now. Because once tomorrow came, she had no-idea but she would be going to his place instead. And experience what it is like to be in his house for a whole day.

Yeah she was at the house to go shooting but that was only for a small bit, this was like for a few hours and she could experience why he shuts himself in. Meanwhile, while the two were talking it seemed like they slowly lost track of time until eventually, Justin checked the time. Justin said "Jeez we've been talking for like a few hours, it's like almost midnight". He added "Fuck I forgot about dinner" and he gone downstairs now even though it was too late now.

Yet by some pure luck, there were still some in the fridge which he then realized that Carrie must've gotten his food covered before she got her own. And he sighed and he said "One time I'm thankful for my cousin" and he took his food back upstairs now. He said "Sorry about that Sierra" and he added "I am thankful for my cousin, she got my food covered". Sierra chuckled and she replied "Yea I suppose that's good, I probably have to make something for myself".

Justin replied "Y'know darling, that's a thing about my family. We look after each other, and to be honest if my family saw you as family then we'd be looking after you". Sierra replied harsh yet truthfully, she said "I'll never be a part of your family, they don't want me". Justin replied "You don't know that darling, besides if I were to be honest". He added "My sister seems quite attached to you already, cause I heard her mentioning you a bit".

Sierra replied "or she was talking negatively of me" and Justin said "Darling, don't think negatively, just at least give my family a chance". Sierra sighed and she said "I'm sorry it's just you know the family and then the rumors and the fact my uncle doesn't know". Justin replied "Babe, just live in the moment. Don't worry about the future, just be happy". And Sierra replied "I guess you're right, I'm just afraid for the future" and Justin stated "So am I".

Justin said "but as long as we have each other, we can go through anything together darling" and he was right about it, he would be by her side no matter what was thrown her way. Yet, they both knew eventually they'll have to confront Hunter. Autumn knew she had to confess it to her brother that she broke the family lineage and created her new family. At least introduce him to SIerra while she had the chance that he was in prison.

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