Chapter XII | Sierra's First Time

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(Author's Note: First time at the range, not the other first time. Get your mind out of the gutter).

The following week after their first game and well, Justin had showed her around his ranch for once and the house of course, the both of them had approached one room. Justin said "Now usually I ain't allowed to show people this but my parents are gone". He then typed in a code and opened a door and well their own armory was exposed. They had firearms of different types and well they also owned a few anti-tank rockets as well.

AT4's primarily were in their inventory but they also had some launchers for an RPG-7 which Sierra asked "how did you guys get these firearms" Justin chuckled a bit. Justin replied "Both my parents have certain levels of permits allowing them to buy these grade weapons". Sierra nodded before she said "Y'know I never really... shot a gun". Justin looked at her now before he pulled out his keys now and he gone over to caged door and he opened it.

He then grabbed a Beretta APX and he said "Ah my favorite teaching gun, I've taught some of my inexperienced friends how to shoot and I've always used a handgun". Sierra nodded before she said "I mean can we actually go shooting anywhere". Justin replied "Yeah my family has a private range on our ranch, we can shoot from there". He added "Plus we're the furthest away from the nearest city and we also have barriers to stop the rounds".

He then ejected the magazine and he grabbed a box of ammo, and he began to manually load the magazine full of ammo, before he grabbed another magazine and repeated it. It seemed like he was serious about doing this before he said "By the way". He looked at her "don't tell my parents I let you go shooting on our range, Only I'm allowed to do it when im alone". Sierra nodded a bit even though she could understand why they only let him do it.

Soon enough once he had loaded four magazines of ammunition, he grabbed some ear-plugs and at least some ballistic sunglasses for them. He hated the actual practice glasses, well his family hates them so they got them ballistic shades instead. Once then he gave her a pair and buds before they went outside and he took her to the range. They had quite a large range with metal targets at different range varieties, which she said "So uh what do I do".

Justin replied "Well" he puts his buds into the ear and he said "First things first" he then went over the basic idea of what to do and what not to do. Once he was done all he said was "Only really a dumb person can mess up gun-safety, it's why we never let Kaitlyn shoot". His family saw blondes as the dumb ones, but that says a lot since Elizabeth and Carrie are blonde. The only difference is that both Carrie and Elizabeth weren't dumb.

Now Justin had helped her and he stood behind her and he held her hands so that she got a good grip on the handgun and he said "Alright now". He hitted the safety for her and he said "Shoot when you're ready" which he stood back a bit for his own safety. Sierra looked at him before she just aimed the handgun down range. All she did was squeeze the trigger and nothing happened which he then said "Alright, don't do anything".

He then said "Ugh I wish we didn't have this happen on your first time" and Sierra said "why what's wrong" and He replied "Well, we got an active round that primer was struck". He said "And the gunpowder failed to ignite, which is why I'm handling this". And he went to work on the firearm now to see what the issue was and he ejected the round. However as he was going to pull the slide back, the round went off and struck the ground.

Justin said "Jesus... and see that is why we always have the gun pointed down at the ground, you see what I am talking about". He sighed a bit before he said "Alright, maybe the APX isn't a good weapon for the first time... My father's gonna kill me". And Sierra asked "Why is he gonna kill you" and well once they got back to the armory. Justin grabbed the bolt action rifle, they had an Nosler M21 and a magazine for it.

Well it wasn't their only bolt action rifle, it was just one of their more favorite ones and in fact they used the Nosler M21 when they went hunting. He said "300. Winchester" he loaded the magazine now, as he said "It holds three rounds that's why Im bringing a box of ammo". Then he walked out with the rifle and ammo now, he had her follow him. Once more, he set up her position on where she'd be shooting the rifle now and he said "Alright now".

He then prepared the rifle for her, once more he was just doing it just to make sure it would go smoothly for the first time and then he'd have her do it herself. When Sierra went to the rifle she said "So it's ready to shoot now" and Justin nodded a bit. He said "Right, just take your aim and remember to breathe out before you shoot". Sierra nodded and she went to take her aim, once she found her target all she did was take a breath now before she pulled the trigger.

The Rifle had fire and she wasn't really expecting the recoil of the rifle and she said "Ugh" and Justin replied "Yea be careful it has a kick to it". Sierra rolled her eyes and she went and bolted the rifle, although she wasn't the greatest, at least she tried. She took aim once more, but Justin went and ensured that the bolt was fully closed, just to be safe. Sierra took another breath and she fired off another round at one of the targets.

Although they spent thirty minutes to an hour on the range, it was perfect because once they were finished and Justin spent the time cleaning the rifle. Making sure there wasn't much of a trace of them firing it, it was around the time his parents came home. I mean, they knew that he'd go shooting when they were gone, he didn't need them knowing, he taught her. Since he isn't really supposed to be teaching her since he's not really professional either.

It would be going well and his family actually believed that he went shooting by himself, Yet that all failed because his sister snitched because he wouldn't give her what she wanted. And well once that happened, it wasn't pretty because now it was going to be a long day now. Originally, they weren't gonna be made a big deal if he had been honest about it. But because he lied about it and now it came out from his sister, things would be worse now.

Well at least it was worth it, according to him and besides at least she had some experience now with the shooting aspect now. Yet in the wake of this, things couldn't get worse now right? Well they were about to find out now.

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