Chapter XVIII | Skye's Introduction

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The following morning, the two were awoken by the sound of the family doing their own thing, although when they had found themselves, the two were covered by some blanket. Justin thought it was odd because they didn't have any blankets last night. However when he saw that his mother and father were back home then it was obvious who it was. Sierra on the other hand, she was comfortable right where she was and she wasn't moving at all.

Justin said "Darlin, Y'know we have to get up" and Sierra replied "No... I'm staying right where I am laying" as she wasn't going to give up her spot. Justin sighed a bit and he said "You sure you really want to be late again darling?" and Sierra replied "I don't really care". She added "Besides I just want to spend a few more minutes with you in bed". Justin chuckled and he held her closely and he said "Ah, I love you darling" and Sierra replied "I love you too".

While the two were laying on the couch, Romeo was coming downstairs as he was getting ready for the day he then saw the two and he said "Ah about time you two are awake". He then asked "So why were you two getting into my liquor cabinet". And Both Justin and Sierra looked at each other like they didn't know what to say in response. However Carrie said "They weren't getting into it, I was getting into it alright so if anything take it out on me".

Rome sighed a bit before he said "Carrie that was some expensive ass shit that I had in there, like it was purposely used for special occasions and now you drank from it". Carrie stated "Listen, I think coming here to visit is a special occasion, I'm always on the damn road". Well she wasn't wrong because she doesn't really visit much due to her music career. Hey at least she's making money like it's the wazoo and she's been helping her family out.

Carrie stated "Besides if anything I can just buy you another bottle like, it's not expensive for me" and she relaxed in the chair now near the couch. She then asked "So you two, how was your night" and Sierra replied "It was okay, I suppose". Justin nodded and he said "Yea, had to get used to having someone else sleeping on the couch but I didn't mind it as much". He added "I just wasn't thinking that my parents would do what they did".

Meantime they heard someone coming downstairs and Justin said "Oh god, I wish she was still asleep" and now Justin's younger sister came down. Skye was notoriously known for being the goth of the family, as she just went and sat down now at the table. Skye was doing her own thing, of course when Romeo said "So Skye" Skye then said "Oh my god what now". And Rome said "Don't need to be having an attitude" and Skye replied "Just leave me alone".

Sierra then asked "So uh who's she?" and Justin replied "That's Skye, she's sort of the goth of the family and my younger sister". Skye seemed to be the only one in the family who's been having a hard time and it wasn't because of her family, she just hated her life. Sierra stated "Y'know if my brother was here with me, we'd have to introduce the two". Justin looked at Sierra now "What are you saying" and Sierra replied "Match making".

Justin asked "How old is your brother" and Sierra replied "Fifteen" Justin stated "Ah nevermind then, Skye's sixteen so yea we could make the two work". Sierra added "But my brother's back home in San Diego with my father" and she added "I doubt he'd answer my phone". Justin asked "Why don't you give it a try darling" Sierra shrugged and she called her brother. Someone answered and he said "Ah sister, I am surprised you called me".

Sierra replied "I needed to check up on how my brother is doing, besides I'm enjoying it here in Tennessee" and her brother asked "When are you gonna come visit". Justin and Sierra looked at each other before she said "Sometime soon I promise you brother". Her brother asked "Who's that lying with you" and Justin said "Ah hello, the name's Justin". Her brother replied "Antonio, that's what I get called around here at least".

Skye then said "Oh my god can you guys just shut up over there" and she came over to the two, which she was rather annoyed with and Antonio said "Who told my sister to shut up". Justin said "My sister Skye" while Skye took the phone and looked at Antonio. She immediately tossed the phone onto them now and she went to her room now. That was the fastest that they have ever seen Skye react to something, and it was impressive.

Antonio then asked "something I did?" Justin replied "Nah Skye's just a bit, she's her own case, she doesn't really like talking to people". He added "She's sort of the family goth" and Antonio replied "Right then, anyways I gotta go before father finds out". Sierra nodded and she said "love you brother" and she hung up the call now and Justin chuckled now. He then said "Seems like that was the fastest I've seen my sister react to someone".

Justin then said "Y'know Sierra, the uh homecoming game is coming up in a few weeks" and Sierra replied "Please don't remind me about the game". Justin stated "Nah what I was gonna say, will you be my date to" and Sierra said "Darlin, we're dating so of course I will". He chuckled a bit before he said "well that covers my date for this dance". Carrie then said "Did I hear someone say that they found a date for a dance".

Justin said "Your fucked Sierra" and Sierra looked at Justin now and now she was concerned now because Carrie some how heard their conversation. But then again she was sitting not that far from them, so she heard the entire thing. Sierra didn't realize what Justin meant about her being screwed, she was about to find out now.

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