Chapter II | The First Day

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In the beginning of the very same morning that the two had awoken, it seemed like their first day back to their high school was about to begin that same morning. For Justin, all he did was go through his own morning routine rather slowly to himself. On the other hand, Sierra was rather quite focused on her routine than what Justin was doing. She was rather more determined to get the day over with, while Justin didn't care about what happened that day.

Once their own routine was finished, both of them were heading out of the house while Sierra was heading to the bus stop, Justin on the other hand was going to his truck. Justin drove around in his own chevy, although sometimes he'll steal his father's truck. Mainly because his father's truck was more of the ZR2 model while his was more of the basic model. Justin liked the ZR2 model's more than the ones that he drove around.

On the way to school, Justin was listening to his own music and he was thinking to himself at least he was motivating himself to get through today with a good mood. At least if he can do that then anything was possible, however for Sierra that was different. Sierra was getting looked at by people like she did something wrong, little did she know, word already gotten out. She then looked at them, which they went back to their own thing.

Some of them questioned, How the hell could a woman like her be related to the Andersons, the fact that she was Hispanic was something that threw them off. They didn't want to believe it, they couldn't believe it but the features showed off on her. Her father's side showed off on her, as much as her mother's side also showed off as well. Which it was surprising for many, however when the bus came, Sierra got onto the bus first and she found her own seat.

However as the bus went on, she heard people talking and they were briefly mentioning the Anderson's return to the town and one of the girls mentioned her name. Sierra ignored it besides it was probably for the best that she did anyways. However she couldn't help it because now they were sort of insulting her and then eventually she finally said something. She said to them, in her own language "Si vas a decir algo sobre mí, dímelo en la cara, malditas putas".

When she had said that, the entire bus gone quiet because they didn't know that she could speak such language and it was a surprise to many. With that they really shutted up about her, however school would be different now, and Sierra sat back in her seat. Once she arrived to school, she was getting off when she saw some guy in a truck parked. She rolled her eyes and she said "people these days" and she gone into the building.

Meanwhile, Justin gone into the school now after he was done parking his truck and he gone to hang out with some of his buddies as they were talking. However Justin noticed Sierra down the hall and he said "Who is that beautiful". His buddy said "Don't know but she's got that wild fire in her eyes... Justin?" and his buddies looked at him. It seemed already Justin seemed intrigued with this new student now and his friend said "We lost him again". 

However one of his buddies hit his shoulder which Justin said "okay what did I miss" and one of them said "Were you lost in the thought's about her". Justin denied it and he said "What of course not" one of the buddies said "Well we were talking about the new girl". Justin added "yeah what about her" one of his friends said "Ah ha, so you were interested in her". Justin went quiet before he said "Why does it matter now".

His buddy said "Ah we were just wondering how you were clearly checking her out, be careful with this one cause we don't need you even more destroyed than last time". They were just looking out for their friend because they didn't need him to be hurt even more. Sierra was walking past the group she didn't pay much attention to them . Someone tripped her on purpose and she was about to fall but someone caught her.

Justin then said "Woah there" and he helped her back onto her feet as he seemed to be the one who caught her, while someone was snickering about her being tripped. But they weren't expecting him to go save her at all, which Sierra sighed a bit now. All she said was "thanks I guess" and Justin replied "no problem, just bein friendly I suppose". Sierra was glad that someone was being helpful toward's her besides them causing her trouble.

Sierra than said "i'll see you around I guess" and she walked off now before Justin asked "Not givin me your name anyways" and Sierra sighed heavily now to herself. All She said was "Its Sierra... Anderson" Justin replied "Well Sierra, the names Justin Underwood". Sierra nodded and she said "Well thanks Justin, I suppose its a pleasure meeting you". Justin nodded and he replied "you too Sierra, you too" and he gone back to his friends now.

One of them said "Dude do you not know who she was" and Justin shrugged and he said "nah not really" and another friend said "She's an Anderson". The friend added "they were like your families rival for years and you just talked to one like it wasn't an issue". Justin shrugged again before he said "I see no problem in her, besides honestly. She's kinda cute herself". Justin didn't seem muched affected by the fact that she was an Anderson.

Now that could be said differently from the rest of the school, but Justin himself he sort of had a positive outlook on Sierra and rather it was one that was gonna stay awhile. In fact he liked her, but now with the first bell ring of the day, now it was time for him to head to his class. Little did he know, he would have her in his first period class now.

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