Chapter XVI | Spending time on the Ranch

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The following day and at the School, Justin and Sierra were walking to class together and at this point it was just common seeing the two together now. In fact the students started to accept their relationship, although some people still judged it, they accepted it. Hell Justin's friends actually started to have lunch with him and his girlfriend. They initially didn't want to but they've learned to accept that Sierra was not what they thought her to be.

Although their day was slow and tedious, it would be greatly said that it was a moment that was best because once they got out of school, they went to his truck. Sierra was relieved that she was finally out, she sort of hated school mainly because of the fact it was boring. Yet now, the real fun part comes in, she had to spend some time with Justin's family. When the two departed, they were driving to head to his ranch.

When the two arrived, it seemed like everything was going just fine now and he had stopped his truck, he and Sierra got out now and then headed into the house. Justin pressed a button locking his truck while he was walking to the front door. When the two entered the house, the family was going through their own nonsense now. Sierra did not expect herself to be introduced to this now, because now she watched the children argue.

Carrie had walked out of the house with a cold drink in her hand, she seemed quite glad that the two were home now and all she said was "I give up". Justin had looked at her, before he said "Tired" and Carrie nodded and she replied "Personally... I hate kids". She added "They're like noisy little mess makers, I don't know why your parents think I'm some babysitter". Justin replied "Well you are staying here with us, maybe you should've gotten the hotel".

Carrie stated "Screw spending money on a hotel when I can crash with family" she chuckled before she said "No, if I knew that this was gonna happen". She added "I would've gone to the hotel instead... Hi Sierra" and Sierra replied "Hello Carrie". Carrie had taken a drink from her can before she said "So what are you doing over here Sierra?". And Sierra replied "Well I just wanted to hang out with Justin and such" Carrie said "Ah alright... make sure you wear a condom".

Sierra was speechless and all she said "We weren't gonna do that" and Carrie replied "I'm just stating in the case you two decide to get handsy with each other". She added "Don't add to the population, don't subtract the population and don't end up in jail. That's my rule". Sierra was just embarrassed and she went inside and Justin went inside as well. Carrie chuckled a bit, as she said "They're an odd couple but it reminds me of when I was their age". 

Justin yelled out "You had a child at seventeen" and Carrie replied "Don't remind me of that aspect, damn he's as grumpy as you Justin". Justin rolled his eyes and he went to his room where Sierra was looking around the room a bit. Sierra had found his drawing and she said "Oh my" and Justin noticed and he said "Oh no give me those". He went over to take his drawing book but it was too-late and Sierra said "You drew me?".

Justin went quiet now and he didn't know how to explain himself now, the drawings he had in his sketchbook of Sierra, let alone how some of them were quite suggestive. Sierra then said "These are detailed I'll admit" and she went through the different pages. She was surprised to see how creative Justin's mind could really get and she said "Wow, I'll admit". Justin sat down in his chair and he said "I know... what you're gonna say and I'm sorry".

Sierra replied "Sorry for what, I love the drawings. Yeah they could be a bit graphic and rather lewd but I ain't complaining about your artistic skills and the extensive detail". She continued to go through the drawings, she said "You nailed all of my... curves down to the exact". Justin replied "I took a lot of time and well... photos I took of you weren't only for my phone". Sierra realized that the photos that she modeled for were for his drawings as well.

Sierra chuckled as she said "Y'know I've always thought about getting my belly pierced" she looked at one of the photos, she said "you made it possible to see what It looks like". And now, Justin had a chuckle before he said "Yea your welcome I guess". He then asked "So you plan on getting your belly pierced" and Sierra replied "I can do it myself". She chuckled before she said "I've been piercing myself since I was young".

Sierra added "The only ones I would need help with, would be if I ever decided to get... never mind" and Justin said "Now I'm curious on what". Sierra replied "You already have them drawn in your book and Justin then said "Oh... OH yea yea you would need help with that". Only then Carrie stated "Help getting your nipples pierced". Justin said "How long have you been standing there?" Carrie replied "Long enough to hear about the art book". 

Carrie stated "Anyways Sierra, if you decide just let me know I can do them for you" and Sierra looked at her and she asked "You also?" and Carrie nodded a bit. Carrie said "I ain't always the girl that I look like on the outside I have a whole different side". Sierra nodded a bit and she said "I'll keep that in mind" before Justin said "Well I better be there to see this happen". Carrie looked at Justin and she said "You're just getting a free show at that moment". 

Sierra stated "I still wouldn't mind Justin being there... besides I mean eventually he is going to see them anyways so I mean... It's better to do it early". Justin replied "Nah darling I prefer the more intimate moments when I" and Carrie said "No I don't need to hear this". Carrie walked out of the room where she covered her ears now. Justin chuckled and he said "Speaking of which he tossed her something and Sierra caught it and when she looked at it.

Within her hand she held a condom and she said "You serious?" and Justin nodded a bit however Sierra tossed it aside and she said "I like at least some risk". She smirked a bit and she shut the door and locked it now and well now what happened. Well that all remains for the usage of your own imagination to picture what happens between the two. Now all that remains is what happens next between the two in the aftermath.

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