Chapter XIII | The Aftermath or so...

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Rome then said "Justin, why did you" and Justin replied "Father, we're both old enough to go shooting like... we're not children anymore and you know that". Rome added "Justin, you're not the one who has the guns in your name either". He added "What if something had gone wrong, It wouldn't be on anyone else it would've been on me in the end". Justin sighed and he hated the fact that his parents treated him like he was still a kid.

Justin got up and said "I'm tired dad, I am tired of the fact that you're treating me like I'm some nine year old. I am not nine anymore, like you need to understand I'm my own person". And he went to sit down once more before his father then said "Listen here". Justin looked at his father and he said "Oh really, you're gonna cope with that attitude with me now". Romeo stated "Justin Underwood, I do not care what you have to say but I am your father".

Justin groaned as he then said "Yeah and your treating me like im some fucking child" and he got up now and he said "Im tired of it, once fucking more.. I am not a child". Sierra was of course the one who was just the witness to all of them arguing. All she said was "Yea uh Justin, I'll just go... home now alright" and Justin sighed now at this. Sierra walked out of the house now and Justin said "Great, look at what you've done now Father. You ruin everything".

Rome replied "Don't look at me, look at how you've been acting" and although Justin shouldn't have gone shooting, Carrie however did defend her cousin now. Carrie stated "Rome you've been acting childish yourself like, you're pinning it on him". She added "Justin's safe and Sierra's safe so if anything, nobody got hurt when he was teaching her how to shoot a rifle". Justin sighed as he left the house because he needed to find Sierra now.

While Justin was driving along the main road, he finally found her and he then pulled near her and he said "Sierra just get in" and Sierra replied "Justin, I'm fine". Justin replied "Babe" and Sierra said "Justin don't call me that" and Justin looked at her now. Justin asked "Why not" and Sierra sighed now before she said "I'm sorry but... it's for the best". And now that really got Justin worried now and he said "For the best what".

Sierra sighed and she said "Ain't it obvious Justin, god damn... I'm sorry but it's better if we just didn't get together and such obviously it's too much drama". Justin replied "Darlin, please don't" and Sierra said "I'm sorry" and she continued to walk now. Justin ended up hitting his steering wheel out of frustration and anger now because of all of this. And once he got back to the house and such, he just went into the house now.

The family had looked at him and Carrie knew it from the look of him something happened, and of course Amethyst asked "What's wrong Justin" and Justin said "Just shut the hell up". Justin went to her room and Rome was about to get up now. Carrie said "Sit the hell down, If anything I'm the one who's going to talk to him, not you Romeo. You've done enough". Rome said "He's my kid and you heard what he said to his mother".

Carrie replied "I don't give a fuck on what he said, if anything he doesn't need you making things worse, I'm talking to him and that's final". And Carrie went up to Justin's room now and she sighed a bit now and she went and knocked on the door now. Justin said "Leave me alone" and Carrie replied "Cousin, just talk to me. You know I ain't mad at you". It was roughly five or ten minutes before he had finally let her into his room.

When Carrie had entered the room, she found that one of the photos of him and Sierra was in the trash and then she said "Ah, so it is what I thought it was". Justin stated "Because of him, she's gone and it's all my damn father's fault". Carrie stated "Justin, you can't let your father get to you.. Trust me I know it fucking sucks because I was in that position once". She added "You just gotta learn to cope and such, It's gonna hurt and I know it's gonna be hard". 

Justin stated "I loved her, and now it's like everything was not worth it" Carrie got onto him now and she said "Don't say that damn it, I've been through hell and back for my own love". She sighed and said "I didn't tell you the story behind my husband and I". Justin replied "Yeah you did, the fact that he was older than you by a few years". Carrie sighed and replied "Yeah, the fact that I was sixteen and he was like... twenty one or so".

Carrie added "I mean me and him weren't like you know intimate, we were just like... he used to help me with most of my work when I had to sit at the station until my father got off". She added "It was when my father worked for that lawful company across from the Station". Justin then asked "So what happened" and Carrie replied "Your father ruined it". She added "So you're not the only one who's had issues with love due to parents".

Carrie added "But you know what I did instead of complaining or crying" and Justin replied "Yeah good luck with me trying it because he'll have a coronary". Carrie asked him "Yea let me ask you something Justin, what do you want in life more". She added "Do you want someone that'll actually love you and see the issues that you're going through". Then she stated "Or do you want someone who's just gonna use you for something or another".

Carrie just stated "If you know what is for the best, then you better leave and go over to Anderson's ranch right now and fix things before it's too late". Justin ended up leaving the house once more and Carrie just said to Amethyst "At least he's making the right decision". Amethyst added "Yea and what's that" Carrie replied "He's going after Sierra before it's too late". Then she said "At least he's doing something and fixing it before he loses it all".

Later when Justin had arrived at the Ranch, he had gone up to the steps which he was rather determined to fix now and he knocked on the door. Autumn eventually came and got the door and she said "What do you want, haven't you done enough already". Justin then said "Yeah, is Sierra here" and Autumn replied "Yeah she's in her room actually". She added "But she's been crying her eyes out ever since she got back from your place, what the hell happened".

Justin sighed before he replied "You know how my father can be sometimes" Autumn said "Stop, you don't need to say any more because I get the whole story now". Autumn stepped out of the way now and let him in, which Justin went up to her room. Autumn stated "her room's the first door on the right" and Justin went to the door now. All Justin could do was now knock on the door, while he was waiting for a response where Sierra eventually told him to come in.

Now hopefully Justin is able to fix things before everything they had so-far was lost and they lost everything that they worked up to now.

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