Chapter 13- Huaisang's revenge

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Chapter 13

"Liao-jie, is that you?"

Liao Weiwei turned around to see a man walk up to her, a small smile on his face. She took a step back,

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

"It's me, Jiang Wanyin. We went to the same cooking club a couple of years back. Do you remember me? It was a long time ago."

"..." Liao Weiwei scrutinized the man. She tilted her head, "Ah... I think I do, you were the one who set your cooking partner's hair on fire?" She asked.

Jiang Cheng's smile vanished immediately. Okay, that was that one time only. And it was totally Liao Weiwei's fault too; he got distracted by her. That day, her cooking partner didn't show up so their super hot teacher assisted her and she was making all these flirty little movements and purposely acting all clumsy that it infuriated Jiang Cheng so much that he wasn't paying attention to where he was holding the lighter.

Jiang Cheng forced a smile back on his face, "Yes, that's me. It's great to see you, you look like you haven't aged a day."

"You as well," The omega stretched her lips at him. Whether she caught the backhanded compliment or not, she didn't show. Liao Weiwei lost interest and was about to leave.

That wasn't part of Jiang Cheng's plan so he quickly grabbed onto her hands and Liao Weiwei looked at him in surprise.

"Uh..." Damn it, he really hates how Liao Weiwei was taller than him in those high heels. "It's been so long, you want to catch up?" Jiang Cheng asked lamely.

"Sorry, I don't- oh my, that's a beautiful ring," Liao Weiwei suddenly said breathlessly when her eyes fell upon Jiang Cheng's hands that she tried to peel off just a moment before. There's a big fat diamond ring sitting on his marriage finger that was stealing all the spotlight.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng retracted his hand shyly and slyly, "I just got engaged recently. Liao-jie, could I tell you the truth?"

Liao Weiwei tilted her head, suddenly paying him a lot more attention.

"I don't have a lot of friends." Jiang Cheng said.


"I'm engaged with this great guy, but I'll be so embarrassed if I have no one to invite to my wedding. That's why I wanted to catch up with you, maybe we can be friends, and I can invite you to my wedding," Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly. Uff, this is slowly killing him, what is he even saying?

"Oh, I..." Liao Weiwei seemed to be buying it.

"My fiancée and I are actually staying in this hotel, he's raised in America," Jiang Cheng continued. "Oh, he's right there."

Liao Weiwei turned around and laid eyes on one of the most handsome alphas she had ever seen. She had seen plenty but this one was undeniably attractive. "That's your fiancée?" She muttered weakly.

"Yes, ohh, and now I can't go up to him because he's with some of his business partners." Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, clearly displeased. "He promised me that he won't do any work until after our wedding."

"Well, sometimes work has its own schedule," Liao Weiwei said as she watched the alpha see them and say something to the others before walking toward them. She quickly tucked a strand of hair and straightened her posture. The alpha looked even more handsome up close; his skin was flawless like jade, his defined jaw and straight nose, his hair fine and long like flowing ink.

"Hello, darling, weren't you going to have a massage?" Lan Xichen wrapped an arm around Jiang Cheng's waist and pulled him close, giving a quick kiss on his cheek.

ENEMIES FIRST {Wangxian, Xicheng}Where stories live. Discover now