CH.16 The stars

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The grip on his bow tightened, and he took a sharp breath. It had never been this bad before; surely his brother had taken hostages before, but he had never seen him do it. The skeleton didn't look like the local sans; heck, he didn't look like a fell sans at all! Had nightmare taken him from his AU and forced him to watch the destruction of another?

Nightmare had gone too far. "Brother!" he yelled. He aimed his bow at the area close to him; he didn't want to actually hit Nightmare; if possible, "let him go."

Blue stared with wide eyes as he lowered his arm. His attention was locked on Cross; that was his admin right there—his strong and powerful admin. Wrapped in nightmare's tentacles, looking oh so disturbed, what happened? His face scrunched up as he went through all the possibilities of what could have possibly caused his dear admin so much distress. His fist clenched. Had a nightmare done something to his admin? How could he... How dare he lay an awful hand on his admin...

When Dream told Nightmare to let him go and the other didn't follow, it triggered something within him. He tightened his grip on his mallet, screamed in fury, and ran straight for his nightmare, blinded by the intent of getting his admin away from him as far as possible.

Ink's eyes widen when he sees Blue run blindly. What was he doing? He could get himself hurt! "BLUE! "He yelled. He collapsed on his knees when dust finally got a hit on him. He winced and rubbed the back of his skull. Crap, that hurt. He pulled his hand back when he felt the blood seep through the wound. He bit his cheek. That was going to be a hassle to deal with later.

He got up quickly before Dust could get another hit. His thoughts wandered to the skeleton nightmare was holding—was he a victim? Was that why Blue was so eager to save him? Blue seems mad; does he know the victim? Does Ink know him too? He seems vaguely familiar. But he can't rack his brain about that right now; he can worry about that later. What's important is getting the skeleton away from the nightmare. With newfound determination, he turned around and faced dust, and with a lift of his brush, he hit dust on the head, knocking him out completely.

"BLUE! "Ink ran after him quickly. "BLUE WAIT! "He yelled, but the others didn't listen. He bit his 'lip' Crap. He stopped running and jumped into an ink portal. He reappeared right next to Blue. He looked into the other's eyes. His eyes widened in surprise—that's new. He had never seen so much rage in the other's eyes before. Those beautiful starry blue eyes turned red, sharp edges on fire.

Ink looked ahead, as they were now approaching a nightmare.

Without missing a beat, they jumped up into the air, weapons raised high. With a scream, their weapons went down, colliding with nightmare tentacles with a loud bang.

"SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Nightmare cursed at the pain. Blood dripped from his aching bones and appendages from every attack that the two landed on him. Crap, he was bleeding everywhere; he might have gotten some of his blood on the cross too, and that certainly would worsen the other's condition further. He tightens his tentacle grip on the cross, wrapping one around his head to secure it.

Blue teleported from behind him. Nightmare's eyes widened. He was getting close to Cross!

Blue's hand reached out to try and take cross away from Nightmare's tentacles.

He froze; small glitches littered his arm as he felt his body be paralyzed. His eyes widened. 'What are you doing??!!!' He screamed in his head. He knows exactly who was causing this.

Nightmare saw the opportunity as Blue froze up. He summoned a gaster blaster and fired at Blue. The attack had Blue sent all the way across the battlefield.

Blue hid the rough ground with a thud. He groaned, feeling a lot more annoyed than hurt. He closed his eyes and entered his mindscape. BOI, he was about to scold that goddamn glitch.

He opened his eyes and was met with a blank, dark void. "BLUEBERROR! "He yelled.


"AHHHH! "Blue screamed in surprise when the other suddenly appeared behind him. "YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A SOUL ATTACK! "

Blueberror just blinked with a smile. "Is this really the best-"


Blueberror turned his head to the side. "This really isn't the..."


Blueberror blinked and pushed him away by the face. "Okay, first of all," he said, taking a deep breath and pointing to the viewing portal that he uses to see the outside. "That over there is our admin. Secondly, HES STRONG ASF, he's basically GOD," he says, shaking his head. "You really think he can't take care of himself? "He pointed at Blue's chest. "Seems like you got a bit of a faith issue there, blue," he sighs and puts his hand down. "This is the admin were talking about; he probably has a plan on his sleeve or something. You think he's going to be happy if we get in the way? "

Blue opened his mouth to protest. But he was stopped when Blueberror put his hand on his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"Is this really the best time to be talking about this? "He gestured to the viewing portal. "Isn't there a fight outside? "

His blue eyes widened, and he rushed over to the viewing portal. The fight had escalated rather quickly; Dream had joined ink on fighting nightmare. Killer was now holding the unconscious Dust. Horror stepped in front of the nightmare, taking on both ink and dream, while Nightmare was on his phone, seemingly calling someone.

"CRAP! "Blue cursed. "I need to go. Now," he turned back to Blueberror and pointed at him. "Were not with this yet."

Blueberror rolled his eyes as he watched Blue Poof away. "He could have asked me for help."

Blue opened his eyes back to the real world. He sat up on the hard ground and froze up. This time, out of his own volition, What was he supposed to do now? He can't try and save his admin anymore; he probably let himself be seen like that on purpose, knowing that image was important to his admin. He could go help his friends, but that would also risk directly affecting whatever plan the administrator had in mind. What was he supposed to do now?

The multiverse seemed to decide for him.

A loud static noise came from the sky, slow, large cracks combining into view as the sky was getting ripped apart. From the cracks came a flurry of blue strings, and they attached themselves to whatever they could hold on to. It didn't take long before the world itself was covered in its webs.

A glitched portal opened up in the middle, and out came Error, the destroyer of worlds.

Nightmare scowled. "WELL, WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! "

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