3.8 Visionary

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Stiles looks down at the girl that he knows way to well, her hair is either side of her face. She looks like she is sleeping, but for the last week, she has been in a coma. And when she wakes up, she screams in agony, saying her body is burning and she would rather die then live on.

Isaac has gone AWOL and Lydia has been stuck at home taking care of her little niece without anyone's knowledge. Derek has been gone for 2 days and Scott has been with Allison to Gerard yesterday.

Only Stiles has been with the girl, holding her hand, talking to her. The doctors said that's what he should do. Talk, talk, talk and some more talking. Hold her hand and talk to a none responsive person.

They said that she could probably hear him, so he keeps on talking. Telling her his days, telling her about the homework they have to make, telling her how she is healing and what the doctors are saying to her mom. What Melissa is telling him about her healing.

Days pass, she heals, but not quick enough. Today, he is sat next her, his hand holding hers again. For the 46th time in the last seven days. He is looking at her, missing her smile and laugh. Their short walks from her truck to their lockers to the classroom.

He misses her soft voice, her green eyes and her warm touch. He closes his eyes, trying to force the images of those loving moments out of his mind but failing misserably.

Tears start rolling while he looks at her again. "They say...they say, that if you don't...god, i don't know what exactly they're saying. But Isaac is still gone, i can't find him. Derek is also still gone. Lydia seems to ignore me and about everybody else. She isn't even coming to school anymore. Scott is with Allison mostly, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. And meanwhile...here i am. Talking to my comateuse ex girlfriend. It's ridiculous to be honest. All the times you had told me i wasn't allowed to die because you couldn't deal with the heartbreak," he says looking at her again.

"But then again, you were never such a big softie as i am. At least, you hide your feelings all the time. Even if they're killing you, you still hide them," he sighs.

Silence, only the beeping is heard again. Melissa walks in making him wipe his tears and look up. "It's time to go," she says softly.

He nods as he gets up. He leans over and kisses her forehead before softly laying her hand next her. He walks to the door where he looks at her one more time before he leaves the room.

A single tear makes it way out of the corner of her eyes and runs down the side of her face. A finger wipes it away and a hand is placed on her forehead. "I'll fix you, Lilith," Derek whispers in her ear.

There is a grundge of skin and flesh and a higher beep of the monitor before there is a silence again and Derek steps back. A second later, her eyes open and they glow yellow. The wounds all over her body start to heal and her heartbeat spikes a little.

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