Tear me Apart

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As I raced down the hall, the walls seemed to condense slowly. I headed for the room I woke up in, ready to be alone. I didn't want to see anyone. Not Tom, Bill, Gustav, Georg... not even Katie or Kandy. And I sure as hell didn't want to see Katty. My vision grew narrow as I furiously sped down what seemed like a never ending hallway. I was afraid to hear the familiar, haunting stomp of Bill slowly walking behind me, but it never came. After what seemed like an eternity of running, I reached the room. I circled inside, and slammed that door shut without hesitating. I'm an act of fear and adrenaline, and swung around the the couch and pushed it over to the door. I made a beeline for the other side of the room, sitting in the recliner Bill was in when I first woke up early that day. I huffed, and tried to calm myself as I watched my chest go up, and down. I knew Bill wouldn't have stopped if he didn't want to; in fact I didn't even know why he didn't keep going. After hearing, and seeing for myself how merciless, and heartless he was, I expected myself to be dead in a matter of hours after meeting him. But, here I was. I closed my eyes and parted my lips, trying to get air through them. You wouldn't expect him to be that fucking strong- I mean, at first glance he looked like the wind could blow him over. I swallowed my thoughts, remembering how he was there for me after Stacey.

"Im here for you, Angelina." His soft memory of a voice echoed in my mind. The man who saved me from being raped was almost my next story. If he didn't hesitate, I would probably still be in there screaming for help. I was definitely thankful he re-thought his intentions, otherwise I may be in a completely different situation then I am now.

My breathing calmed down as I grew to realize I was alone, and I wanted to take advantage of what felt like security. I uncrossed my arms from my vulnerable chest, and relaxed my legs. I knew there was a window, and I knew someone was probably watching me, but there was nobody in here but me. And, that was enough. For the past few days it felt like I was living in hell, so this small slice of time was like running through the golden gates, and marble tunnels of heaven.

I opened my eyes, and listened to the static buzz that came from the lights above. I'm glad I took advantage of the peace I had, because after only minutes of being alone- I heard three deliberate taps on the window. I glanced over to it, and saw the faint outline of a large hand on the other side. I pursed my lips, and sat up a bit. I saw the shadow of the hand slowly caress the glass, until I couldn't see it anymore. I heard faint taps on the wall traveling to the door, and one large one on the metal of its foundation.

I sat up, now realizing that if one of them wanted to come in, the couch wouldn't help with anything. I inhaled and watched as the handle twisted, and the door slowly creaked open. It stopped, but after one large push- the couch was out of the way and Tom was standing in the door frame.

"Hey, Angie." He smiled, looking around the room as he entered with his arms crossed.

I sat up, and stood up from the chair with my arms crossed as well.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice rotten with cracks.

"Oh.. nothing." He looked at me, his dark eyes wider than usual. "Are you okay?" His words had me taken aback.

"Huh?" I engaged, my eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion.

He put his hands up slightly, his palms towards me.

"I just.. I just want to know if you're okay." He said, taking a few steps closer.

"Why?" I didn't move.

He said nothing, he just kept growing closer.

"Because he's never stopped before." He told me, now only about a foot away. As he looked down at me, I could see all the details on his face. The crease of his eyebrows as they raised slightly, the bags under his eyes, and the twinkle in the black of his pupil.

I swallowed. "I'm fine." I couldn't hold eye contact with him, this was unusual. I remembered how he pressed the cigarette into my chest so easily, why he kind now?

I looked up at him as I felt a hand grasp my shoulder, slightly grimacing as he ran his fingers over the gash in my arm from the race earlier. 

"Be honest, I saw you through the window." He demanded, his voice low.

His eyes had nothing in them but purity, and it made me afraid. "It was just scary, that's it. But, I'm fine." I cleared my throat, keeping my arms crossed.

"Of course it was scary." He solemnly said, rubbing my arm. "I wouldn't have expected any less of a reaction."

I looked at him through my eyelashes. "What're you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure you're okay. I didn't think he would go that far after everything we've already done today. I didn't think he was that persistent." He explained. "I just don't want him to.. to hurt you too much."

I swallowed. "Why care now?" I raised my head all the way.

"Because I don't want him to make you kill yourself, Angelina. He's done it with other girls, but I Don't want him to do it to you." I lowered his head. "I don't even know how old you are."

His words broke my heart. They did all of this without remembering my age.. I was sure I told them.

"Eighteen." I cleared my throat. "I'm an adult."

He shifted slightly. "That's good." He cleared his throat as well. "And.. and I wanted to say I'm sorry." He looked away from me for a moment, tapping his foot. "I didn't think he would go this far already." He paused, glancing back down at me. "We both have our highs and lows, but I didn't think he'd spiral how he is."

I nodded a bit, growing an understanding. I felt guilty now, I felt like I had overreacted.

"It's.. it's okay. I forgive you." I let myself say, convinced I was being honest. "Thank you."

I let my arms fall to my sides. He slid his hand down from my shoulder to my wrist, and squeezed my fingers slightly.

"Come out when you're ready, Bill left." He smiled.

I grinned slightly, I felt a tinge of happiness in my heart.

"Okay." I smiled, rubbing my arms with my cold hands.


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