You Look So Ugly Sitting There

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I sighed in annoyance, "He is another butthole, trust me."

A group of boys stood along the racks as me and my best friend Julia sat behind the counter. We both worked at my uncle's music shop. It sold old rock records and new tracks. Lots of heavy metal stuff though. Then a little bit of Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects and Crown the Empire.


"I legit have no time for you." A boy with a bandanna on his forehead came up to the counter, "Do you have any Blink?"

"You're Australian?" My friend asked in a dreamy voice.

"Shut up Julia. No we don't."

"You sure? I saw a whole empty rack, you don't possibly got any in the back?"

I pushed Julia behind me and looked him straight in the eye before he was shoved by another blonde.

"You sure miss...?"

"It's Blake."

"Blake? You sure there's no more?"

"I'm sure, mister...?"

"Luke, Luke Hemmings."

"Yeah okay, you can leave now."

Both boys looked at me crazy and I showed them off along with the two other boys. The blonde one with a lip ring lingered.

"What's your name again?"


"Okay," he smiled and darted out of the store. Right after Julia began going on and on about how perfect they were. I couldn't help but cringe as she called them hot. They were all mediocre and stupid.


I got home at around 9 and fell on top of my bed. I checked my phone and saw I had a new follower. When I checked their profile, I found out it was the guy from earlier, the one with the lip ring. I immediately groaned and threw my phone on the floor.

Upset I began playing my favorite song from the Amity Affliction, Pittsburg. I sang my heart out until Julia bursted in the room.

"Turn that crap down Blake!"


"Who gives a shit give me your phone!"


"Did he follow you?"

"Uh yeah why?"

"I might have looked him up and told him to follow you, but HE SINGS DID YOU KNOW THAT!"

"No, honestly cuz I don't give a rats butt what he does."

"Why not??"

"Cuz I don't like his face."

"Well he's really good and I think he followed you for 3 reasons."

I set my guitar down next to my drum set and bass, "And what are those reasons my dear friend?"

"1) he likes your hair, 2) he likes your face, and 3) he likes your VOICE!"

I groaned as I grabbed my laptop, "Please I feel like Ariel."


I searched up his profile and found lots of random pictures of guitars, the other 3 boys and selfies.

"He's hot right!"

"I think my BOYFRIEND is better looking."

"You mean the asshole who cheated on you?"

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