Away From You

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I woke up on my couch. Alone. I felt like I was hungover, but there was no trace of any toxin near me. I sat up slowly and checked my phone. I had 5 texts from Calum, a missed call from Ashton, one text from Michael, and 10 missed calls from Luke.

Ten Voicemails.

Hey, Wesley, can we talk?

Sorry if you're not awake. Sorry I'm calling again.

Please answer my call.

Julia won't hear, I'm awake, please tell me you are too.

Wesley please?

I know this is the 6th message but I need to talk to you. Please don't hate me.

Wesley, answer me.

Please, pick up the phone before I go insane.

I tried to get Ashton to call you. Call me.

Wesley I need you.

Ten ways of making me angry. 

Truly I wasn't in the mood anymore. I scrolled through, hoping Julia left me anything, but nope. No trace of her wanting to talk to me. I wouldn't doubt it if she ended up moving in with him. Sleeping in his bed every night. Probably watch him play that beautiful guitar now and then. But she wouldn't appreciate it as much as I do. She wouldn't know the chords, the strings, the music.

Not like I do.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed up, then made my way to my room and flopped on my bed. This place was too quiet. I needed someone. I wanted to call Michael, but couldn't. I just felt like crying when I thought of him because I knew I was stabbing him in the back by what I was doing. More like what I did.

That one moment. That one little instant was driving me crazy. Suddenly my whole world was turned upside down and I could no longer think. I was stuck in a downwards spiral because of a kiss. A kiss that wasn't supposed to happen. My mind couldn't function.

Completely lost, I called the only person who wasn't involved in this mess.

"Hello?" He answered on the typical third ring.

"Hey Derek."

"Hey Squirt, long time no talk haha. What've you been up to?"

"Nothing. Well, not nothing, but ugh, I dunno."

"Is it Wyatt?"

"It's a lot more complicated," I began to cry.

"Hey, it's alright. Want me to come pick you up?"


"Okay, I'll be there in 20."

Derek showed up exactly 20 minutes later and picked me up in his truck. We were driving back home.

"So, what's wrong?"

I paused for a second, "Wyatt cheated on me again."

Derek clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, "That bastard."

"So I broke up with him. Then I met this amazing guy. His name's Michael and well, we started dating."


"He lives with his friends, Ashton, Calum, and Luke."


"So one night I went out with them to a party, and I came back with them and I was gonna hang out with Michael but then him Ash and Cal had to go somewhere so I was left with Luke. One thing lead to another and before I knew it I was kissing him on their sofa. I felt horrible so I told him we needed to forget about it. But then I found out just yesterday afternoon that he's dating Julia. I know I shouldn't feel anything about him, but I can't help it. I really do love Michael, and I don't want to hurt him more than I already have, even though he doesn't know. But I can't stop myself from feeling something towards Luke. Then I got upset at Julia and she got upset at me and then I went home and she didn't come and ugh. It was a mess."

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