I Don't Like Your Coldplay Shirt

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"Alright, um, how do you know Blake?"

"Oh, I'm her ex."


"Yeah, she dating some other guy now. However, I honestly think that guy isn't good enough. Where was he when this happened?" 

I immediately felt my blood heat up and my pulse began to race. I could hear my heartbeat pound in my ears. And well, the past few hours haven't been the best, so I honestly have no time for this.

"I'm the other guy."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm her boyfriend. And you know what? This was a tragic accident. Honestly, I think you should leave, Wyatt."

"Look man, I'm sorry I-"

"Shut up and leave! You have nothing to do with her anymore alright!"

"Michael back up!"

"What?" I turned around to see Luke coming up behind me. He pulled me back by my shoulder then confronted Wyatt.

"You're Wyatt?"

"Uh yeah, who the hell are you?"

Luke exhaled slowly, then punched him straight in the nose. Wyatt screamed short and held his hand up in a weak defense. 

"Get out," Luke ordered. Something flashed in Wyatt's eyes, something that I've never seen except on Luke, and it quickly disappeared as he ran out of the room. As the door shut, I let myself breathe. Luke was standing only a yard and a half away from me with his hands at his side. His fist was bruised and blood decorated it. 


"Look, that guy is bad news man."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

I nodded, "How did you know I was here?"

"Why else would you leave the apartment? Calum and Ashton are still there, and honestly, it's been crazy quiet."

"Can we not use the word honestly?"

"Yes sir."

For a good hour, we sat in the room. We made small talk, but that's as far as it got. We stayed in the room as long as we could. Watching her in a deathly sleep. Doctors said that she'll be okay soon, but I feel like it's a lie. That as soon as they leave they're preparing her grave. 

But she looked so peaceful. Her hair was growing a dark brown at her roots, and her face was clear. It looked like any moment she would blink and wake up, asking what happened. I want to be there when she asks that question.

When a nurse came in and told us that visiting hours were over, Luke and I got up and left. We drove back in separate cars. When we got home it was dark, and inside the apartment the lights were off. The TV buzzed as background sound and Ashton was asleep shirtless on the couch. 

"Where's Calum?" I asked looking around the dimly lit place.

"I'm here." Calum emerged out of his room a different person. His hair was more of a mess than it usually was, his eyes were hollow and he was dressed in an old Blink 182 shirt with some black sweats. He staggered over to us and he fell into me.

"Calum, what's wrong?"

"Michael," he moaned, "I can't hold it anymore."

"Calum are you drunk? You know we can't drink here."

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