We Gotta Run Away

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"I guess it would be easy, but it wouldn't be the right thing to do. Wesley, I know you've been gone for the past two years, but we haven't. We know David like our own brother since we stayed in touch with Julia. He is one of the nicest guys on earth and although I would love to get something on Julia like this after what she did to you, I don't want to break his heart."

I stomped my foot in frustration, "Don't you think that just the fact that she's cheating on him will break his heart, whether or not he finds out now or later?"

"What if he finds on his honeymoon? Technically that's later. And by then, he would be officially married, and on a trip that cost a lot of damn money that he can't get back. We can't wait."

I was just about to open my mouth when she came up from behind turned me around making me face her.


"We have to talk right now."

"No, I don't want to talk. I only want you to learn what a bitch you are."

"I already know though Blake! Let me tell David myself okay?!"

At this point I could tell that she was getting desperate and she began to put her hands on my forearm, tugging on it slightly like a small child. It bothered me a lot, and I was so furious that I began to to fight for my arm, pulling it back to my body every time she pulled it to hers.

"Why do you do this!" I sort of whisper-screamed.

"I obviously have a problem, but I'm sorry Blake!"

I loudly scoffed, "A problem? No bitch, you got a fucking disease."

It was at this moment that Luke decided to exist and started pulling me from the shoulder. I could hear him telling me to stop, or quiet down, something along those lines. When I looked up from Julia, I saw Wyatt rushing out, and when he caught sight of me, his complexion became white as a ghost.

"Great timing you man-whore."

Julia quickly jerked her head to face him. I'm guess that she made a come-help-me-or-I'm-going-to-kill-you look because that asshole came sprinting over and tried to push me away from her. I don't know exactly why, but that pissed me off even more. So I did his job for him and shoved Julia away from me with ease, and took Wyatt by the collar, making him my next victim.


He had this weird doe-eyed look on his face when I said that as I violently shook him like some kind of rag doll. But when I spat out my last sentence, his facial expression changed in the blink of an eye, and I immediately recognized him. The anger, that scary, intimidating aura, yet that awkward sense of feeling bad for him.

Before I could utter anything else he grabbed my wrists and threw me to the gravel ground, and I looked up at him standing six feet above me. I know that any other girl, or any other person would be like "What the actual fuck, did he just hit a girl?" But I've smacking, punched, and kicked this guy around so many times without any kind of physical or even verbal response, so in a way, I was a little proud of him for actually countering me. Just a tad. That didn't mean that he was playing for the good side though.

I was just about to get up when Luke tackled Wyatt to the floor and held him down. From underneath Wyatt tried to push Luke off by the arms, but it was no use. So he merely struggled like a fish out of water, and seemed to be trying to scream, yet only cut off grunts escaped his gritted teeth.

Julia suddenly screamed, "Luke get off of him!"

I narrowed my eyes with hate at her and grabbed her ankle, pulling it to me, making her trip on her stupid, pretentious dress. She gasped and looked up at me in shock. Shocked at what I had just done as if it were the worst crime a person could commit. Then her eyes zeroed in on me and she began to grimace. I had never seen her look like that before so I have to say that I was a little lost. That is until she pounced on me and began to practically strangle me. And I swear, I could hear her growl. But with her hands around my neck I could've been hearing anything. With every ounce of strength I had I tried to heave in air, and pry her iron grip off of me.

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