In Outer Space

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I was able to follow Derek with his permission. There she was. Unlike how I imagined our first meeting would be, she wasn't sleeping anymore. Her eyes were wide open, and she wasn't staring blankly out the window. She had her wrists restrained to the bed guards and her feet tied to the foot board. She was jerking back and forth, screaming bloody murder. In between she cried, saying something I couldn't make out. Just as I was about to walk in Derek held me back by the chest and told me to wait outside the door.

Through the door's window it was more vivid. She looked like a totally different person. Her roots were now blending to a dark brown and her skin was pale and sickly. With a small glimpse of her eyes I could see that the crystal clear brown had been drained and she was blank grey. 

The more I saw her buck and try to even attack her own brother, the more my heart began to break. What happened to her? Who did this to her? I unconsciously began to bang on the door. It wasn't locked or anything, technically I could've barged in on my own, but it wasn't that. My brain knew that I couldn't go in while my heart didn't give a shit.

After a few minutes Derek was able to calm her down, and she stared at him for about a million years. She studied him like an unknown specimen, checking him from head to toe. Once her mind computed who he was she let herself cry and rest her head against his forehead. The nurses released her from her chains and her arms immediately wrapped around his neck. 

She was home. 

The nurses told me to wait outside. In the meantime however, I decided to ask the nurse if I could change into some regular clothes. They told me yes and that if I felt better then I was allowed to check out. I got my stuff together and thanked the nurses. They bid me a goodbye and I went off to search for Derek. I found him outside her door on his phone. 

"Hey Derek."

Her looked up and smiled, "Hey Michael, how you feelin'?"

"I feel good."

"That's good, that's good." After a bit of time he seemed to read my mind and said, "You can go in yanno."

I nodded slowly, and twisted the doorknob. She was asleep again. Her back was towards me and I knelled by her bed side. I could see her stomach rise and fall with every breath she took and it made my heart choke. Gently I stroked her arm and kissed her forehead.

"Blake, wake up."

She rolled over and opened her eyes slowly like a young puppy, "Hm?"

"It's me, Michael."



Her eyes zeroed in on me, and she brought her hands to my face. Right when I thought she was about to let go she cupped her hands around my neck, strangling me.


I tried to fight against her but she had her grip around my neck so tight there was no way I could get out. I struggled to say anything and after about ten seconds I began to feel myself fade. This was not the way I pictured our first meeting.


Confused and in slight pain I awoke in my apartment on the couch surrounded by Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Derek.

"What the fuck just happened."

Derek sat across from me while Ash and Cal leaned against the kitchen counter and Luke paced beside them.

"If you don't remember, which I'm pretty sure you do, Blake tried to choke and kill you. You may not know why, but the nurses have an idea. Once they sedated her and you passed out, they told me that someone had come in about ten minutes before I did. The nurses believe that when that guy went in that she had woken up and he kinda brainwashed her since she did have slight memory loss, but they have no proof of it. Either way though he did a really good job because he left as soon as she started screaming, which is why Ray, a friend of mine who's a nurse and works there, called me."

"So whoever it was made her go crazy?" I asked.

"Yeah, and he most likely convinced her of something else."

I rubbed my neck, "What did he tell her?"

"He probably told her that you pushed her in front of the truck, which is why she choked you."

No way. No. Damn. Way.

In a split second I kicked the coffee table over, threw a throw pillow to the floor and an empty vase against the wall, causing it to shatter into thousands of small pieces. I collapsed into the couch and let myself wallow. Everyone kept their mouth closed, just dealing with my small rampage.

"I know who did it." muttered Luke.

Derek stood up, "Who?"



Derek and Luke talked for a while, but I honestly didn't listen. I didn't care.

I thought my heart was broken when I saw her lying on the street almost lifeless. But this? This is on a totally different level. Just seeing the amount of hatred towards me in her eyes makes me hurt. She hates me. She really hates me. Her mind has been twisted to probably the point of no return. What if she never remembers? Will that be how she remembers the accident, believing I pushed her to her possible death? If it is, I can't live with myself. 

I love her. I know for sure now. I am in love with Blake and nothing will change that. Not cheating, not lying, or the attempt at my death. There is one thing though. If she continues to believe that I pushed her, I will never speak to her ever again. I will move on with my life and leave her alone, if that's what she wants. I won't ever try to be part of her life ever again, and I'll simply love her from afar. 

I'll erase myself from every aspect of her world, right after I kick Wyatt's ass.

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