American Apparel Underwear

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He was breathing hard, and so was I, "You sure?"

"Are you gonna keep asking if the pizza will survive or are you gonna kiss me?" I asked impatiently.

"Good point." Michael immediately pressed his lips against mine and the world slowed down. We both fell for something and didn't wanna let it go. The night grew to morning and when the sun creeped through my window. I woke up and groaned, shielding my eyes from the light. As my brown eyes got adjusted I looked down and saw I wasn't wearing my shirt.

It was his. And I still had on my marvel underwear on.

When I looked to my left I saw him sleeping there. Or so I thought. When I tried to get out of the bed he merely turned on his side to face me. 

"Hey," he mumbled. 


"I totally respect your spider man choice of underwear. I'm a fan of awesome under garments myself." He pulled off the covers and got up to go to the bathroom I guess, only wearing a pair of stripped underwear. 

"Am I wearing your shirt?"

"Well I got up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom and you just looked really cold and the covers didn't seem to helping."

"So you just put this on me."

"Well, yeah," he shrugged.

"How far did we-"

"Relax, no homers were made. And the main pieces of cloth stayed on." I sighed in relief and fell back on the bed. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, only using his finger and some toothpaste. I laughed to myself while he tried putting his jeans back on. 

He was really cute.

And it bothered me.

I just broke up with my boyfriend and now I just let a random guy spend the night with me. What was I thinking?

Do I regret it? No of course not. Should I have waited? Maybe.

But something about this guy just made me smile. Like out of nowhere. Which is something that Wyatt could never do, now that I think about it. This guy was so, chill. I mean he gave me his shirt because I seemed COLD. I mean if it were Wyatt he probably would've let me get hypothermia because he's such a jerk. I dunno, maybe Michael was just being extra nice. Maybe he's another jerk. But for the moment it was nice to just be with a guy who is pretty alright.

After I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed I went to the living room. He was staring at my guitar with about 3 slices of pizza on his plate, one in his mouth.

"You play?"

Muffled with pizza he answered, "Mhm."

"Me too."

He set down his plate and swallowed what he had left in his mouth, "May I?"

"Of course."

He picked up my beloved guitar and I immediately felt scared. Kinda like how a mother feels when some random person or family member carries her newborn baby. Except I wasn't a mother and my guitar was ten years old. Not a newborn at all.

I winced as he positioned his fingers and got ready to strum. But then, I lost it. The more he began to play the more I was certain that this boy was my soulmate. It wasn't even an actual song I think. He was just playing a simple, soft melody that made the sun shine brighter, the air a little warmer, and my heart a little bigger. He looked up at me and smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. 

I was just about to ask him to practically marry me when he started playing a familiar tune. 

"Yanno, I'm not one for love songs, but my friend did a cover of this song a while ago. I think you'll like it." He continue playing Please Don't Go by Mike Posner and my heart melted into a puddle. His voice was just amazing. And I felt drunk in love.

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