I Need Your Phone To Light Up This House

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When Michael left, I fell against the door and slid to the floor, feeling the weight of my past push down on me again the way it always had. I tried to get over all the news I learned in a matter of about five minutes when I remembered something.


I immediately sprinted from the door to my room and ripped my phone from the charger, and called Dominic.

"Hey girl wassup!" I could hear the sound of his boyfriend screaming at him in the distance through the receiver.

"You told my ex where I was."

"Okay okay, just lemme explain."

"You gave him my exact address."

"Yeah, but, there's a reason."

"I'm going to murder you."

"I'LL BE AT YOUR PLACE IN TEN MINUTES DON'T KILL ME YET!" After that, he hung up. I could taste the anger rising in my throat like bile. This little asshole is one of my very few friends that I have and he does something like this? Yeah, I don't think so.

I sat on the couch awaiting his arrival. The minute that the doorbell would ring, I was going to speedy Gonzalez over there and beat his ass. Eight minutes had passed, and I was checking my watch about three times a minute. "Any second now," I reminded myself. Any second the bell would ring.

And sure enough, it did. I swung the door open, ready to grab him by his shirt collar and slam him against my brick wall, but he quickly held up a box of pizza with a can of watermelon Arizona tea in defense. Pleased by this, offering, I lowered my fists and motioned for him to enter the house.

"Thank you Wicked Witch of the West."

I closed the door behind him and responded," You mean Wicked Witch Wesley."

"Whatever," he laughed. He set down the box of pizza and tea on my table and grabbed two plates and two cups from my kitchen. I watched him set everything up with my arms crossed and felt the unsettling feeling twist in my stomach again.

"Dominic, we really need to talk."

He looked up at me while he pulled two pieces of pizza from the box and set one on each plate,"Yeah, I know."

He sat down and motioned for me to sit across from him. I did so, and began to pick at my food.

"Why did you give Michael my address?"

"I gave it to him because I felt like it was the right thing to do."

"Right thing to do?" I slammed my fist against the table, "You gotta be fucking kidding me! I told you why I never wanted to speak to him or anyone from then ever again!"

His face twisted into an angry expression to match mine, "You can't just run away from your problems Wesley!"



I couldn't argue against him because I started to cry. My voice hitched and I tried to stifle the cries by covering my mouth with my hands. With every wave of tears I could feel my shoulders shake and my breath hyperventilate. Dominic got out of his chair and came over to me, holding me tightly against his chest. He told me to let it all out, and I did. I probably said a bunch of random crap, but I wouldn't know, because I couldn't even understand what I was saying. I was just blubbering against his jean button up shirt.

Once I was able to get control of myself, he made me face him by holding me by my arms.

"You gotta face what you left. You literally just left it there Wesley, you can't do that. You have to grow a pair and make amends. Alright?"

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