White Sound

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I kept rocking back and forth slowly on an old chair outside her room. She'll survive, but I don't know if she will emotionally. How am I going to tell her? Such an innocent girl and such a horrible crime.

When I looked up I could see Calum walking back to me.

"So, what did they say?" I asked with as much hope as I had left in me.

"The cops said that they'll do an investigation on Wyatt and question Blake, just to make sure Naomi truly had the intentions of killing her, but that's all really. They said we could possibly go after Wyatt for being an accessory but that's about it."

I shook my head in astonishment. This has been a horrible day.

The only normal moment I remember is hanging out with Calum on his sister's couch while she talked about how her neighbor was really cute but really annoying. Next thing I know, everyone in my life seemed to be falling apart...


"C'mon you two I know you guys want some breakfast."

I punched Calum in the arm as he stuck his tongue out behind his sister's back. He giggled the way he always did when he got caught being dumb and turned back around to watching some random TV show.

"What about you Ashton, are you hungry?"

"Nah, I'm good, tell me about what's-his-face though!"

Just at the mention of the guy she rolled her eyes and began to ramble on about her next door nuisance. I was laughing along with Calum with my eyes screwed shut as I felt my phone start to buzz in my pocket. Trying to catch my breath I held up my hand to excuse myself from the conversation.

"Don't be long loser!" Calum screamed as I walked into the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone and saw Michael's face across the screen, crazy hair and all.

"Hey Mikey what's up?"

"Hey, wanna go to the music store with me?"

"Blake's music store?"

After a few seconds longer than normal he answered, "Yeah."

"What for?"

"Well, Julia just called me and said that they got into a fight and she wants me to go check on her since she thinks that she probably wet there."

I crossed my arms and leaned up against the dark wood counter top of the sink, "I don't know man."

"Look, it's not like I'm mad at her, or she's mad at me. We even slept together last night."

Immediately I cringed, "Gross dude! I don't wanna know what you two do behind closed doors!"

I could faintly hear his chuckle through the cell, "No man, not like that. Look, just come with me? If you could bring Calum that be great."

"Alright, Alright. I'll grab him and we'll meet you there in a little."

"Thanks Ash."

I hung up and walked out of the bathroom. I told Calum's sister that we were going to head out, but that we would be back in a while. In a few minutes we were outside of the store, close enough to see Michael. But as Calum and I got closer to him, we could tell that he was uneasy, and worried. I rushed to him and shook him by his shoulder to get his attention. Right as I was about to ask what's wrong, he held his finger to his lips and looked over to the door. I looked inside and saw her.

Blake was held against the wall by some random girl with dark red hair and tight, short leather clothing. I turned around to Calum, and he nodded. When I glanced back at Michael, his gaze was focused on the door, ready to do what need to be done. In complete silence, I held up three fingers, counting down

At the sound of a chilling scream I bashed the door in with Michael and Calum behind me. I ran to Blake's side on the floor. She laid on her right side as she let her left hand lie over her wound on her stomach. The blood began to stain her grey shirt and even reach her purple-silver hair. Her brown eyes were glossy and unfocused.

I screamed for Calum to call 911.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Michael screamed. I didn't have to turn around to know that Michael ran after the girl and pinned her to the wall. I could hear her trying to fight him off.

When I turned back to Blake, her eyes were half closed, and pretty soon, they'd be shut. I held her hand, making sure there was still a pulse.

"Blake, are you okay? Can you hear me?" She made some weird noise, nothing that could be made into an actual sentence or word.

But I kept trying.

"Blake! Blake please you have to say something I can actually hear!

Please Blake!

Say something!

Can you hear me!

Blake are you okay!"

I stopped asking when Blake's eyelids fell. When I turned around to the front of the store Calum was screaming into his phone that three people were unconscious. I understood what he was saying when I looked to the back of the store, and saw them lying there.

Calum walked outside, and stood up from Blake's side. There he was, next to the body of a demon spawn. I slowly made my way to the corner of the store. Michael was lying on his back, taking in sharp breaths of air. His arms were to his side and his legs were twitching from straight to bent, not knowing not to take the pain. As I knelt by his side I saw the damage that had been done. Michael's left shoulder and two places in the left side of his abdomen were stabbed and spilling blood.

I glanced over to the girl only to see lifeless eyes and a single stab in the heart with the knife still stuck inside of it. Suddenly, I felt Michael's hand grab my wrist. Tears were falling to the ground from his eyes, and his breath was only getting quicker.

"Ashton, I need you to know something."

"No, no, don't do this Michael," I grabbed his quivering hand in my own with a tight grip, "you're going to be okay."

"I love you guys so much. You guys have given me more than I could ever ask for and I'm so grateful for that."

My eyes began to water as my voice started to falter, "Michael please, stop!"

The door swung open to let Calum walk in, with none other than Luke next to him.

Luke screamed and fell to his knees at Michael's side.

"Michael," he cried, "buddy are you okay?"

"Luke, please, you gotta take care of Blake, and take care of these doofuses, especially yourself."

I tightened my hold on his hand while Luke continued to talk and Calum stood by the entrance crying. I could hear an ambulance in the distance.

"Michael, don't let go. You're going to make it, you have to make it," Luke sobbed.

"Luke, you're one of the three best friends I've ever had."

The ambulance's sirens were right outside the door, wailing and wailing. The red, white, and blue lights flashed around the dimly lit store and over the crime scene. They shined over Blake's still body, but the light wasn't able to reach over Michael's. It barely flashed over the piercing on Luke's lip.

I held in my chocking breath as Luke began to scream Michael's name into the air. Calum held his hands to his ears and slid down the front wall of the store as his screams got louder and louder. Pretty soon, I couldn't even hear the sirens. I couldn't hear the marching of the paramedics with their gurneys and boots. I could only hear Michael's name as Luke screamed it out as he slammed the floors with his fists.

When they came for Michael, I slowly let go of his hand, and opened my arms to let Luke and Calum collapse into me as the rolled him away into the fading lights.

Punk & MetalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora