I'm Wide Awake Not Dreamin'

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"Julia," I uttered, trying to take in her presence. She looked the same, but fake? Like same outside appearance but something different was controlling her from the inside. And not in a good way, more like an evil spirit that was possessing her. Her hair was a rich red in soft waves and upon the top of her head was an off white flower crown.

"I'm glad you were able to make it!" She gave me a sickly tight hug and scampered off somewhere into the sea of guests she invited. For some reason, I think in the general part of my mind, I thought that I wouldn't see her, even though this is her wedding. I told Ashton that I had to go to the restroom and fix my hair, and he nodded. But I wasn't even able to get through the door without Luke catching me.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a whisper, despite the fact that everyone was totally oblivious to anything out of their tables.

"It's just weird to see her after all this time."

Luke nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. He told me that he was going to head back to his seat and make sure no one took mine. I laughed and shooed him away, and did as he asked.

When I pushed the bathroom door in, I took a look in the mirror, like any dramatic person would. And damn, I did not recognize the person I was looking at. I realized that not only did I run away from everything, which I still don't really regret, but I changed everything about me. My hair, my hair color, my style of clothes, my friends, my work, my living space, my food habits. The only things that I could think of that remained the same were my eyes and my taste in music.

"What are you doing Wes," I asked the girl in the reflection. I was just about to shake it off, wash my hands, and just brave what was outside when I heard something bang on the wall next to me. I stumbled and my hand slipped from the faucet handle. I thought it was just a random thing until it happened again, and again, and again.

I left the bathroom and was about to knock on it until I read the "Men's" sign. So I decided that I would just wait on the side so I could ask whoever was there what the hell they were doing. When I noticed that it was opening, I prepped myself to roast my victim. And just as I was about to open my mouth, everything froze.

He looked at me, straight in the eyes, and my entire body shut down. I don't think I was even breathing.


"Wyatt, what are you doing here?"

"I'm the caterer, isn't it obvious?" He gestured to his white ensemble with a black apron. I quickly swallowed and starred him down. He didn't say anything else to me, and left. I was going to have to skip on dinner tonight.

I was about to go back to the table and talk to the guys about what just happened when someone else came out of the door.

When I turned around, my brain literally exploded.

There she was.

Her red hair was slightly messier, her off white flower crown slightly falling off her head, and her makeup was smeared.

She knew too. She knew that I knew that she was...

"Blake, it's not what it looks like."

"You can't learn a lesson, can you?"

"I just went in the wrong bathroom," she argued.

"Well if that's the case, while you were in there were you banging the wall with a hammer?"

Her face grew red and she began to mess with the hem of her dress, "Blake you don't understand-"

I raised my hand, shutting her up before she could continue with whatever she was about to say. With a fast pace, I made my way to the table and yanked Luke my his tux sleeve to get his attention.


"Outside, now." He immediately followed me outside.

"What's the problem?" Luke asked once we were out of sight from the main party, and out under the now darkening sky.

"Wyatt's here."


"He was in the bathroom."


"Julia was in the bathroom."


"With him."

It took maybe thirty seconds for Luke to come up with any kind of response, and when he did, it was a loud, ear-piercing screaming into the air. I immediately took my hands and covered his mouth.

"Don't say a word."

"What? Wesley how can we not say anything she's cheating on her fiancé!"

"Don't you think telling would let her get off easy?"

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