It's Too Late

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My suspicions of the past two months had been correct. Thanks to my best friend Julia and the beauty of the internet, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. Although I should've known because it was obvious, I never wanted to believe it, I guess.

Little things, like not picking up the phone after a certain time, not wanting to go out anymore, our conversations becoming more and more dull, and most of all, the music.

It was all the music. Me and him were the perfect couple. Two punk delinquents, best friends since the 7th grade, were the couple of Riverway High. We wore clothes that made people wonder if we were insane or owned a motorcycle. Instead of going to homecoming, we went to a Green Day concert. For Valentine's Day, instead of getting chocolate we recited All Time Low and Blink 182 love song lyrics to each other.

Aside from all that, music is what kept us close. We were both quiet, in a sense. Speaking our feelings to each other was probably the hardest thing we could do, but we knew exactly what each of us was trying to say if it was in song form. Me and him were like a two person band. Him, the amazing writer and I, his harmony with strings. Like I said, it was perfect.

Until not too long ago, something changed.

I only had 3 channels that were bookmarked in my car radio, all of which played punk, old rock, and alternative. One day as I was driving to my house after a long day of school, I turned on my radio. When I pressed for the old rock station, I heard something completely different.

Rap music began to play loudly from my cars speakers and the bass shook my rear view mirrors. I cringed and pulled over into the parking lot of a corner store to see what was going on. I realized that someone had changed my bookmarked station to R&B. Most might say, "That could mean anything." But it can't. I'm the only one who has keys to my car. And the only person I ever let in besides Julia is Wyatt. And he had my car this morning, as I had taken the bus.

I sat in the driver's seat puzzled, and broken. That was it. Something was changing, and at the time I most likely knew subconsciously what it was. However, nothing began to sink in until I dropped by his house one Saturday afternoon and heard all the way down from his front door Chris Brown booming from his room. The closer I inched the more I heard his voice singing along to it.

He knew ever word. He didn't hesitate at all and was even doing all the little ~gestures~ a rapper would do. At first I thought he was being stupid but I know that he only learns all the lyrics to a song if he actually enjoys it.

Then the worst day of all. They day I knew he was gone forever.

We were in his living room, sitting in silence. He was sitting in the couch across from me, quietly and peacefully reading a James Patterson book. Thinking it would be romantic, I began to play The Only Exception by Paramore on my guitar. We had done this several times and it was the song we had our first kiss to. It was the song of our relationship, needless to say.

As usual, he smiled his hundred watt smile and began to sing along with me. It was another sweet moment until we got to the chorus, and he forgot every. single. word.

He couldn't even recover.

Not on the next verse.

Not even make a hum.

I stopped playing and he kept his eyes on me. I knew what happened, and he knew that I knew. I glared at him, hoping for some kind of response. He was only able to get out, "I can explain."

With teary eyes and a now much heavier guitar I stormed out of his house. I barely heard his pleads as I climbed into my car. I sped home, not caring who honked or if the cops were just around the corner. As soon as I came home I opened my laptop, wanting to poor my heart into videos of cats. Just as I was about to type in the search box, I got a notification. I was mentioned in some chick's picture.

When I opened it, my world fell apart. There he was. Wyatt. His arms around Naomi as he kisses her. The caption: Thanks BlAk3_midnight for passing on this man. He's a keeper ;)

Naomi, the worst girl in the entire world. Pretty enough to be a pageant queen, ugly enough to steal your boyfriend. She had hated me for the longest time just because people hate people who aren't like them most likely. I hated her because she would make my life a living hell because of it. However, this was the lowest of lows.

Pretty soon Julia called me up and told me the whole thing. She told me about how he wouldn't answer my calls because he was at the movies with her, he went to the mall with her when he told me he was busy writing his album. She told me how Naomi would take him out and eventually was able to poison him wear it mattered the most.

I sat in the Starbucks near my Uncle's music store. I stared at my cooling coffee, wondering if I stared long enough that the sickening feeling in my stomach would go away. My attention broke away when the door swung open and Wyatt walked in. He had on a black Nike sweatshirt with some light grey joggers and Nike high tops. I held my breath as he took the seat across from me. I could smell the Axe cologne from three feet away.

He tried to say something, but I looked away. Maybe this was the wrong decision. What do we have to talk about? He cheated, that should be the end of it, right?

I finally brought myself to make eye contact with him. His light brown eyes showed a tint of regret and guilt, but the rest was engulfed by lies.

"Wesley, listen. I know I did something wrong. It's horrible and you shouldn't have to go through this. You are an amazing girl, so if you want to dump me do it. But let me explain first. I was only hanging out with Naomi because we have more classes together this year so it's kinda hard to not talk to her. At first it was just me being nice and tagging along with her when she asked. Then things got a little out of hand. I know I've hurt you and I hate myself for it. But if you could just forgive me I promise to make things better. I promise that I'll be a better guy. Please? Just give me a chance here. We've known each other for so long, do you really want to throw away what we have? C'mon, let's stay together, like we're meant to be. Just think about it, after graduation in a month maybe we can finally get that apartment together like we've always wanted. Doesn't that sound nice?"

With that, and a kiss I was sold on the fact that everyone deserved a second chance.

Even the assholes.

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