Walk My Way

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I dumped what was left of coffee and walked right up to his table. He slowly picked his head up, then rolled his eyes.

"Hey, remember me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember you." he groaned.

I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him outside. He tried shaking me off but obviously, due to my awesomeness, there was really no use because he wasn't getting away from me. Curious to get to the point, I got to the hard questions.

"What did you tell Wesley?"

"What, who's Wesley?"

"Don't tell me you're that stupid."

"Oh, right. Blake."

"Answer the question."

I released my grip on his arm and he rubbed it, "I didn't tell her shit."

"Fucking liar. I know you did. Wesley tried to kill Michael a few hours ago and you were conveniently there just a few moments before. Weren't you?"

"Yeah I was."

"Then what did you tell her?"

"Can we not talk about this here?"

"Where then?" Wyatt told me to follow his car to his apartment. It was a long drive, I gotta be honest. By the time we got to his house I was annoyed an tired. I didn't really wanna hear his side of the story anymore and just wanted to beat him up already. But I guessed that it would be better if I knew the whole story, cause' I'm just a good guy like that.

We walked up to his apartment, which was full of moving boxes everywhere. He said that he had gotten accepted into a college out of town and was getting ready to move.

"So, what did you tell Wesley?"

I stayed up against the wall as he found a seat on a chair beside the window across from me and the door.

He took a deep breath then began, "Yesterday I just felt like visiting her. I wasn't going to the hospital deliberately thinking that I should turn her against her own boyfriend. Those were absolutely not my intentions. I just went to visit. When I walked in she was still sleeping, so I sat at the foot of the bed. I started talking to myself as if I was talking to her, just saying dumb things like 'The weather was pretty nice yesterday, shoulda seen it.' But I'm being honest when I say that I was really pissed. I missed her, and I still love her. I started talking about her accident, and how I felt like if anything it was probably Michael that put her in that bed. I didn't say that to make her turn on him though. That just came out of anger. I kept rambling on until I heard her whisper 'How could you?' I turned around and saw her rolling over to wake up. I got scared and ran out of her room. When I was a few feet away I could hear her screaming 'He did it! He did it!' and I saw the nurses rush in.

"Look everything that happened was an accident. I really didn't mean for it to happen but I guess since she got memory loss when she heard me talking about the accident her brain took it as that's what really happened. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

I nodded my head and he got up to let me out.

"Thanks for telling me that Wyatt."

He patted my shoulder and smiled as I stood on the other side of the line that divided his apartment and the hallway, "No problem."

"If only you had told me the truth." As I walked away I received a fuck you. And that was all I needed. I drove home as fast as I could without getting caught by a cop. I needed to tell Derek. I needed to tell Michael.

I was happy. Happy to know that Wyatt really was an asshole, Julia was able to come clean about what she had done, and over all that Wesley was awake. But then there was Michael. If I had to choose between losing either Wesley or Michael, I'd let Wesley go in a heartbeat. Michael has been there for me since day one and I love him for that. He's my favorite guitar player, best wing man, and partner in crime. I love Wesley, but I can't go on without him, and I know he can't go on without her. So if I can help him get his girl back, then that's what I'm gonna do. I can always find someone else, I guess.

When I walked in, Michael was asleep on the couch. Day was turning to night and the blinds were closed. There was a note left on his head from Calum. Calum had gone to spend the night at his sister's. I didn't want to wake up Michael, so I grabbed a blanket from my room and threw it over him and let him sleep. I was about to go grab a snack from the fridge when Ashton walked in.


"Hey Ashton."

"How did it go?"

"He did it."



"Luke, I don't want you to say anything, just listen. Michael was talking to me earlier while you were gone about how he's scared. I asked him why and he said that he's scared that if Blake never realizes the truth then he'll never be able to really talk to her again. I also know that you and Blake had a little thing, and I can tell that you love her. But please, for everyone, don't try to go get her heart. Let Michael have a chance. I know you love her Luke but this is more tragic for Michael, and I think that he deserves to be with her, if she ever remembers what actually happens."

I smiled and Ashton gave me a side hug then went to his room. I grabbed a lunchable from the top shelf in the refrigerator. As I stacked the meat on the cracker I started thinking how all of this could've been avoided. This was all my fault. And the more I finished off the crackers in this plastic container the more I began to believe it really was all my doing.

This just really sucks. The girl I love hates the guy I love and the guy I love most likely hates me slightly because I'm in love with the girl he loves. Damn I screwed up.

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