Try Harder

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I woke up the next morning with a text from Ashton. I tried to adjust my eyes to my screen. And I almost had a heart attack when I read:

I think he knows.

I got ready and asked Derek to drive me to their apartment. He said that he could drop me off but that was it because he had a meeting. Before I knew it I was at their front door, and Ashton opened up immediately. He rushed me in, then closed the door and told me to be quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno, I just feel like it's a spy mission or something."

"Oh. Ok. Where are the guys?"

"Luke went out with Julia, and Calum went out with Michael."

"What happened Ashton?"

"Luke was talking to Michael while Mike was making breakfast and he said something like 'I'm glad I was able to give Blake her hat back since she left it here' and Michael was like 'I didn't know she left it here' and then Luke kinda spilled a spoonful of beans when he said 'It was in my room'. And that's when everything went downhill. Michael started questioning as to why your hat was in Luke's room and Luke tried to avoid it but then it only made Michael more suspicious. He got really pissed and almost punched Luke in the face but Calum was able to stop him before he did. So they left then Luke woke Julia up and took her out somewhere."

"Oh god." I sat down, trying to process everything. The last thing I needed was my wobbly life to unfold.

Ashton sat down by my side, "It'll be okay, we'll try to convince him it never happened. In the meantime though I think you should try to talk to him. If you really don't want him to find out then you should reassure him. I mean Michael and Luke are best friends, no doubting that, but they didn't used to be super fond of each other a while back."

I rocked back in forth trying to tell myself it was all a bad dream.

"Blake, it'll be okay," he rested his arm around me.

"What would you do?"

Ashton thought to himself while rubbing his neck.

"I would've told Michael the truth the minute it happened. Maybe it's because I'm older and I'm not as, 'wild' as I used to be so I'm not one to make things complicated." I put my face in my hands and tried to keep myself together.

This is it, my demise.



"Mikey relax, it's okay, nothing happened."

"How am I supposed to know that Calum? Every girl I like ends up wanting Luke! What makes Blake so different!" I paced back and forth while Calum's sister got ready.

That was the only way. Luke must have done something super seductive or whatever and she fell for it. Okay sure, maybe I'm not a Calvin Klein model and I'm not blonde, anymore, and I'm not the lead singer of a band but I've got perks. I got good qualities. My hair is freaking amazing as fuck, I can play the lead guitar better than anyone else, I'm funny, I can sorta dance, and I'd like to think I'm a good Target model.

Was it enough for her though? What if she's just staying with me because she feels bad? Ugh that would be a low blow with major damage. I love Blake. I really do.

Maybe it's because I haven't spent much time with her. Either way it's not my fault I've been so damn busy.

Who am I kidding, it's my fault.

"Michael?" Calum said trying to snap me out of it.


"Nothing happened between Luke and Blake alright?"

I nodded. Soon Calum's sister was ready to go and we were about to leave her apartment to go shopping, but my mind was just not in the right place. I tapped Calum's shoulder and told him I was going to walk to a nearby McDonald's and meet them at the main apartment later.

When I got to McDonald's and ordered emotion-filling food, I immediately regretted it. I was stupid to think that a burger would cheer me up. It only made me want to curl up and cry. It didn't even taste good.

Everyone is telling me that it's okay. That nothing happened and everything will blow over and I'm the one who needs to relax. But if that's true, why did Luke not push me away? Why did he let my fist get only 2 inches from his face? Why did he brace for the pain willingly? Luke was not one to just take a hit. He always fought back, even when I was just playing with him.

Who do I believe? Ash and Cal or Luke? Hell, I haven't heard from my own girlfriend. I didn't even know where she was. Maybe she ran away. She ran away and decided to never return because she couldn't be caught with Luke and couldn't stand the sight of me.

Maybe she couldn't take all the pressure, or the lies. I miss her like crazy, that's for sure. That's one thing I absolutely knew. She might be the one we're fighting about but she's the one I want to hold me.

Why do I do this to myself.

Why do I even bother.



"Blake, please calm down."


"Just relax, we'll figure it out."

I paced in front of Ashton and tried to hold myself together. My breathing was out of control and I felt like I sweating. I couldn't control myself. I could sense the monster coming out. I went from worried, to sad, and now I was pissed.




I fell to my knees and cried like the spoiled brat I am.

After barely a month of dating Michael I managed to cheat, get jealous, lose my best friend, and now, possibly lose Michael. Ashton helped me up and wiped my eyes.

"Please, relax," he pleaded. But I couldn't. There was no way I could. I had to go talk to Michael. And not call him, I had to see him. Impatiently I demanded to know where Calum took him. Apparently they were at Calum's sister's house, and that it wasn't very far. I decided to walk the 5 minute trip.

I ran out of the apartment and onto the street. I ran toward the lights and waited for the walk sign. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could hear it in my ears. I was gonna tell Michael what he needed to know. No more beating around the bush.

As I crossed the street I could see the apartment building in the distance. I got luck with about 2 straight walking signs and then stopped at the red light. I was about to pass a McDonald's.

The red light stayed for quiet a while, and I could feel the anxiousness build up inside of me, then made a sigh of relief when it finally said walk. I kept a fast pace and was about to reach the other side of the street when I heard something drop. I spun around and found my phone lying on the pavement. I scooped it into my hand and stood back up.

When I turned to my left, I saw an 18-Wheeler truck.

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