I Wanna Beat Your Face Like a Boxer

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It took a while, but I was able to convince Derek that Wyatt was the culprit. Who else could it be? Of course it would be him and of course he would make Michael the bad guy. Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder what he told her about me...

Nonetheless I knew that Wyatt screwed with her mind. But why? I know that he's the ex, and I know he's done stuff, but I'm not very sure exactly what kind of stuff he's done. I didn't want to go risk the chance of being killed by Wesley so I decided to interrogate the closest person, Julia.

She was in the apartment. I could tell because she was butchering some old NSYNC song. I heavily knocked on the door and when it swung open her face went from "Hello!" to "What do you want."

I let myself in and she kept a good distance, which was understandable. However, there was no time for beating around the bush with this one. All I wanted was information, nothing less.

"Hi Julia."


"She woke up today."

Julia's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. I motioned for her to take a seat across from me and she slowly followed my suggestion. Her eyes began to water and a small smile of hope formed on her face. "Really?" she whispered.

"Yes, but something's happened."

"What is it?"

"Someone has got it in her head that Michael is the one who pushed her in front of the truck, and when he went in to finally see her, she strangled him and he passed out. He's at my apartment right now."

Her brows narrowed and she crossed her arms firmly, "Wyatt."


"Why aren't we getting him now?"

"Technically we can't get him because there's no proof that it was him, but there is proof of him walking in just before she probably woke up and he leaves right before she went crazy."

"Well, isn't that proof enough?"

"Apparently not."

Julia stared me down for a good minute, then stood up and paced around the room messing with little things, "Why are you here Luke?"

"What the hell is the deal with Wyatt?"

"Ah, I see. You want the backstory to all of this, don't you?"

An eerie feeling engulfed the atmosphere between us and I felt my throat tighten and my palms begin to sweat. Was I nervous?

"Yeah, that's what I want I guess." Julia finally circled back and took a seat next to me. She leaned back and stretched, letting herself exhale deeply then cracking her knuckles. I wasn't very sure if she was getting ready to murder me or take a nap.

"It started back in 6th grade, believe it or not. Me and Blake had become best friends. We had each other for 6 classes and we lived in the same neighborhood, so all of our time was spent together. Towards the middle of the year a new kid moved into the neighborhood, and he ended up coming to our school. He became part of our friend group and pretty soon, I had a crush on him."

She must have noticed my surprise, "I know right? Yeah I had a huge crush on Wyatt. But I guess I wasn't what he was looking for because after all three of us being best friends for about a year and a half he confessed to me his dying love for Blake. He told me that she was the most wonderful person in the entire world and there was no one else in his sights but her. Because of that, I decided to just give up on any feelings I had towards him.

"By freshman year, they were a full blown couple with me tagging along as the ultimate third wheel. The two of them were inseparable. Everything was like a movie until the end of Junior year. Blake's dad had gotten killed in the army and she was devastated. He was her whole life. That summer she was completely depressed and no one could get through to her. Not even her brother, who she was and is still very close to. I guess something snapped in her because of it. She had always been pretty punk and always liked punky music but after her dad's death she got into more heavy metal and decided to be a shut in most of the summer before senior year. That was probably the toughest time in her and Wyatt's relationship, aside from the breakup."

Julia paused for a moment, and gulped.

"During that summer, me and Wyatt hung out a lot because yanno, we were still friends. But the more we hung out the more the feelings I had for him started to resurface I guess. One night while watching a movie on his laptop in his room I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't kiss back and I immediately pulled away and regretted it. But right as I was about to apologize he actually kissed me back, and let's just say we didn't watch the rest of the movie that night.

"Wyatt and I would have nights like that probably once a month when Blake was too busy with school, didn't wanna hang out, or was too busy writing for some 'album' she claimed to be working on. There was one night when in the heat of the moment, Wyatt looked me in the eye and told me he loved me. He said that he loved me too much and was going to tell Blake that it was over. Even though it was wrong what we had done, I didn't feel bad at the time, because I wanted him. That was around December. However, the breakup never happened like he said.

"He stop talking to me for about three months all together. Never answering my texts or calls or anything. It even seemed like him and Blake were closer, which made me slightly pissed, but I shrugged it off. Then something interesting happened. Wyatt had invited me over for his birthday party and I decided to show up about ten minutes early to see if I could talk to him. Instead I caught him making out with a red head named Naomi on his porch, who was coincidentally Blake's natural born enemy. She left before I reached him, but he knew I saw. When I threatened to let Blake know what he had done he came back saying that if I said a word that he would tell her everything we had done together. I decided to keep my mouth shut, and she never knew. That is, until she finally caught them together.

"When the fallout happened, I realized that between Blake and Wyatt, I loved Blake more. And I know that I am the worst person on earth for being the other girl, but I'd do anything for her, which is why I've stayed by her side the past year. I was on high alert when she had decided to stay with him. But it wasn't all that surprising when he cheated on her again with Naomi, leading her to Michael. And that's the backstory."

Julia took a heavy sigh, and my mind was blank. Half of me wanted to strangle Julia Blake-style for doing all of that stuff, but the other half was just stunned. The utterly speechless part of me took over.

"Wyatt is the guy," she said.

I scooted away a little from her, afraid of the person she was. She told me she was sorry, and asked if I wanted anything.

"How could you do that to your best friend?"

"You of all people should know the answer to that Luke."

I got up from the sinking couch and was about to turn the doorknob when she called out to me.

"Luke you have to set Blake straight. She has to know the truth."

"The truth that Michael didn't push her?"

Julia sighed, "And some."

I walked out of her apartment, enlightened and pissed. I drove to the Starbucks next to the music store and grabbed a quick coffee. Conveniently I saw Wyatt there, but I didn't say a word. I put my beanie on and watched from afar as he drank his frap and checked his phone. As if by que the red head walked in, but she didn't seem too happy. After they talked for a good minute she slapped him and stormed out, leaving him with a red cheek. He stood there looking dumbfounded then finally took his seat again, catching the attention of the other customers.

I smirked to myself, thinking that he got a slice of what he deserved. Then I saw him bury his face in his arms as he laid his head down on the table. Wyatt was crying.

This is the perfect time.

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