43 - When Time Runs

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"No!" I scream. "NO! JUNGKOOK!"

My voice, laced with pain, sorrow, and tragic regret, echoes to the farthest edges of the battleground.

Jungkook seems to fall in slow motion. I watch helplessly as he seems to realize what happened - and that he has no choice but to fall.

"JUNGKOOK!" I yell again, refusing to believe what I'm seeing. I muster all the strength I have to get just a bit closer, but I'm too far out to help him and my energy is all used up - the last of it used to save Namjoon.

We even had our final goodbye under the stars because we knew this could happen...

No... no no no-

I want to extend a hand to his falling figure - his alert, innocent doe eyes, his lost smile, his angelic voice that I'll never hear again, his soft pink hair that I watched him dye in the bathroom so many lifetimes ago, his limp body - as gravity takes him down the crevice that the Earth Guards had broken open earlier. Something stretches between us for just one moment, one of disbelief and silent love and torn futures that will never take place. He falls out of sight too soon.

All that potential and hope...


I cry out again and my vision begins to blur when I can't see him anymore.

Jungkook's gone, Jungkook's gone...

"Jungkook..." I mumble. It hurts to say his name.

Because I love him. Loved him, and now he's gone. Gone to a place I'll never get to consciously see in my waking lifetime, gone to the dark depths of the Earth where there will never be daylight again.

Something inside me explodes. My hands crackle with energy and bright threads, white instead of golden this time, emerge from them and it strikes outward like lightning, creating thundering echoes even louder than my cries. Its presence should have calmed me down but it doesn't, it only angers me, angers me to no end because you were there for J-Hope on the truck ride at the beginning of it all and you were there for Namjoon just now but why weren't you there for Jungkook, when I needed you most, I hate you for going against me, I hate this world, why does it have to end like this.

I seethe with anger, rage at the injustice of it all, because aren't good people supposed to win, in the end? What kind of a messed up world is this?

The white light dissipates outwards, carrying all of my emotion, lashing out, raw and disgusted and fuming and dangerous.

It thunders until there's no anger left for it to feed on.

Then it's all quiet.

I come back to my senses. My ears are ringing. Everything's so deafening. I feel empty inside. Devoid of emotion. Like a part of me was just lost with- with... I'm breathing rapidly. Too rapidly. I blink. I look down at my hands. They don't look good. They look like they're supposed to hurt, but they don't feel like they're hurting right now at least. There aren't any Fighters around me. I'm on the ground. I'm shivering. Can't tell if it's shock or the snow. What happened? Why do I feel so empty what's going on?

Out in the distance I see darkness closing in. It looks similar to if thunderstorm clouds were closing in but there aren't any clouds, just pitch black darkness, like a fog. I'm so tired beyond measure that I feel like I might pass out. It approaches too close and then consumes my sight completely.


Have I lost consciousness?

I can't see anything - it's the blackest black.

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