forty - nine

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Ariella has been acting strange for a couple of days, quite frankly and that's not like her she's hardly ever quite.

I thought it was cause she was sick a couple of weeks ago but I'm sure she's better by now, I'm not sure she's been cancelling plans when I've asked if she wanted to do anything. But I'm seeing her today since I have to drop Ivy off back at her apartment.

I've thought of asking her if she wanted to move in together but I feel like that's pushing it since we said that we are taking things slow, I don't want to push her what so ever because if I push her she might leave and that will end badly because I can't loose her again.

I literally put her into a car crash, she always tells me it wasn't my fault and it could happen at any time but I feel and know that it was my fault and I'll never forgive myself for that, who would?

"This dog hates me I swear" I walk up to her, she does I'm not lying every time she's with me she makes a mess of my house and attacks me and Jamie but when she's with Ariella she's a little princess it's crazy.

"This dog has a name Trevor" she bends down picking her 'baby' up, Ariella treats her like a baby I literally saw Ivy in a too too then Ariella squealing about how gorgeous and cute she looks.

"Sorry" I apologise and she looks up and smiles then gets up kissing me.

"Hi" she smiles pulling apart.

"Hey" I kiss her again.

That goes on for a couple of minutes, saying hi and kissing each other. I've missed her I haven't seen her in a week maybe since I was meant to come over and watch a movie but I had training really early so I couldn't and I felt bad but I'm sure she hung out with Katie instead.

"How have you been?" I ask as Ariella placing Ivy down and she runs to get a toy, in my house that dog would demolish the toy in seconds then she would blame that her teddy broke because of me and if I didn't care she would go an attack Jamie.

Poor Jimbo.

If I tell Ariella that she won't believe me because she thinks Ivy could do no such thing wrong.

'She's just a baby' her words.

"I've been good" she nods wrapping her arms around my waist, god she's so small.

"Yeah?" I place a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah" she nods leaning into me giving me a hug.

"Good" I place a kiss on top of her head.

"What are you doing today?" She questions moving away from me "did you just come to drop her off or?".

"Stay? If that's okay with you" I stand "do you have work?".

"No" she shakes her head "I'm off for a couple of days so you can stay".

"Good" I smile sitting down "do you wanna watch that movie now?".

"Oh yes!" She smiles sitting down next to me.

I pull her closer to me, my arms wrap around her waist and hers lay on my stomach. She passes me the tv remote and I put on Netflix scrolling through to see what to watch.


"See babe she loves you" her hand trails my stomach, yes loves biting my hands.

"No she doesn't" I groan.

"Maybe if you where nice to her we wouldn't have this problem" Ariella says.

"Look what she done to my house" I show her photos.

"That wasn't her" Ariella shakes her head, see what I mean about how she does nothing wrong.

"She bit Jamie" I brush her hair with my hands.

"Jamie must of annoyed her" see.

"Jamie doesn't annoy anyone" I'm being true he doesn't.

"Well.." she looks at me.

"Ella be for real he doesn't" I roll my eyes.

"My dog is perfect!" She argues.

"Right right sorry" I apologise.

"You should be" she sits up.

"Mhm" I jab her sides.

"Don't!" She squeals, I do it again "Trevor!".

"What?" I question.

"Don't" she hits me.

"Excuse you" I look at her.

"What?" She questions.

"Nothing" I laugh.

"Can we go out for dinner?" She asks.

"When? Now?" I ask "I don't mind" I say.

"No. Not now maybe one time this week?" She says, she sounds like she already has this all planned out and she has something.

"Yes of course" I smile as she moves onto my lap.

"I'm paying" she smirks.

"That's the funniest thing you've ever said" I place a strand of her behind her hair.

"I'm being for real" she puts her hand on my chest.

"Well I don't care" I shrug.

"But I've planned it" she pouts "so that means I payed".

"What if I give you money then you can pay with that?" I'm not letting my girl pay.

"Trevor" she groans laying down on my chest.

Forever infinity - Trevor Zegras (2)Where stories live. Discover now