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Todays the day.

Todays the day I'm going to tell Trevor he's going to be a dad.

I'm scared, very scared to be exact.

I don't know how he's going to take it because we did say we are taking us slow so he might be angry I don't know. It's very unlikely that he'll lash out because he never lashes out, only at hockey but that's very different.

I've got it all planned.

Dinner, hopefully on me but we all know that's probably not going to happen.

And I'll just tell him.

I told him to wear something nice because the place is nice, very nice. And that's where I feel bad for him paying because I've planned this all out and I picked an expensive restaurant.

I'm picking on wearing a black dress, I look best in black as Trevor tells me.


Alex 🤍

I'm going to tell him today

Are you actually or are you going to get scared


I'm doing it

I've planned everything

That's good then

Do you think he'll be mad?

If does then he shouldn't

Because one he couldn't keep his dick in his pants and two
couldn't wrap it up

Alex jesus

Stating the obvious ariella

Well be happy

Oh I am

I'm going to be an uncle

When's the rascal coming?

October I think


Nine months remember

Too long

You have one then

It would be the same amount of time and I don't work that way

noo shittt


"So am I picking you up?" He asks "cause I don't know where we are going".

"Just meet me at my apartment" I tell him "and I'll drive us to the place".

"Okay I've got it now" he nods.

"Good" I nod "so you won't have to phone me again?".

Forever infinity - Trevor Zegras (2)Where stories live. Discover now