seungmin's diary : entry three

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dear diary

those words are going to get SOO annoying to write, but wtv..

anyways, geez. yesterday was a roller coaster.

i had a feeling jungsu wasn't being treated the best at home, and color me shocked that i wasn't wrong. (those are the wrong words but idc, this is my diary sooo)

man, what am i supposed to do? i can't just take him to therapy, his mom would probably be even more concerned he's going out n stuff. i mean, his mom likes me... i think. so maybe if i say it's school related or smth she'll let it slide???? idk, hopefully tho. 

i have to keep him away from her as much as i can without raising any suspicions. i hate knowing that he's been treated like this for god knows how long. maybe not that long, but still, just gives me the ick. why hasn't he said anything? atp i'm not even sure if it's something he's not allowed to say, or like he doesn't trust me. if he doesn't, then i feel betrayed asf. but if he's not allowed to, why? i don't see the problem. i mean, i guess if she finds out herself, then that's a problem, but i can keep secrets.

anyways, i got this jooyeon guy's number, i'll just text him and see what's up. i'm bored. hopefully it goes well...

in the meantime, i'll be thinking of stuff to do with jungsu to get his mind off of his mom... and hopefully not his dad either...

honestly, what's with his dad? he barely talks about him. does he even have one? is he just never at home? are his parents divorced and he just never told me?

uugghhhhhh the more questions i ask myself the harder this gets. i suppose i'll just leave them here and come back to them when i somehow find some answers.

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