jooyeon's diary : entry four

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dear diary,


that's all i can say now. i wanted all of us to meet up so we could have fun together, and... y'know... live life to the fullest. we can't all be in high school together. gunil-hyung is a senior, the group won't be the same anymore without him. 

but... i kinda regret introducing everyone into b-form.... it's... ugh, how do i say it? it's... the reason that everything is going downhill. i've been arguing (bickering? idk which word even fits atp..) with jungsu-hyung aaallllll of last week. it's painful. it's so painful!!!

idk why he gets so defensive when i bring up him, jiseok, and gunil-hyung staying up late on b-form. it's.. weird? like, why is he getting so defensive?????? idk why... but i'm just worried about them.. i don't want them becoming worse than they already are...

i mean, gunil started eating a little bit more than usual, but he still takes his bathroom trips at the end of lunch. i don't even know WHY he takes those trips. i still haven't been able to answer that question...

anyways. that's all that's on my mind rn... honestly i'm getting sick of b-form..... not in a bad way.. just.. eh. i wish there were more features. but, we haven't tried the 'concert' (or smth) mode, so maybe i'll change my mind.

yknow.. instead of b-form.. we can always just... ACTUALLY hang out. like.. go get some food, shopping, internet cafe... y'know. normal stuff friends do? i mean, not saying that b-form is unusual. idk, maybe something else would be nice for a change, right?

haha... i can just hope that our group doesn't go to shambles... haha...

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