hyeongjun's diary : entry four

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dear diary,

seungmin has been really upset lately. i don't know if he knows that i (and possibly the others) know, but i can tell...

i feel bad for him, really. i can tell he really wants us to stay together and be happy, but i think with the bickering of jjoo and jungsu-hyung, and jiseok and gunil-hyung suddenly changing in moods, it's really messing with him.

and honestly.. i feel the same. i'm not exactly.. upset per se, but i'm very confused. though, the only thing i can think of being the main issue of this bigger issue is bform.

but, we all LOVE bform. we go on for a few hours every day, play some music together, show off some riffs and all that, it's a good time! though, i have been noticing jiseok, jungsu-hyung, and gunil-hyung having a LOT more playtime than us... jungsu-hyung in particular...

we, or well, mostly jooyeon, tried to get off earlier so THEY would get off earlier, but then they'd just... stay longer? i have no clue what they even do.. do they talk to each other? do they just... sit there in silence? like... what do they do?

i don't know.. but what i do see is that i THINK jiseok is cutting less.... i think. i haven't seen him covering up any new parts of his body, so i'm pretty sure he's cutting less.

so, i guess there's at least a small sliver of hope left for him...

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