1. New Manager Needed!

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C H A P T E R   O N E ✨

The starkly lit manager's office buzzed with tension as Shubman Gill, wearing a perpetually stern expression, faced off against Payal Chavan, the latest victim manager caught in the whirlwind of his temperament.

"Shubman, we need to discuss your public appearances. The sponsors are concerned about your recent interviews." Payal said.

Shubman, leaning back in his chair, eyes fixed on Payal, "Public appearances? I'm here to play cricket, not charm the media."

Payal, frustration bubbling beneath her professional exterior, "Shubman, your image is crucial for the team and sponsors. We need to maintain a positive public perception."

Shubman, his tone cutting through the air like a well-timed yorker, "Positive perception won't win matches, Payal. Focus on the game, not the drama."

Payal, determined to stand her ground," The game and your public image go hand in hand. You can't ignore the off-field responsibilities."

Shubman, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips, "Responsibilities? I'm responsible for scoring runs, not playing PR games."

Payal, pushing back, "Your attitude is affecting the team and the sponsors. We need to find a middle ground."

Shubman, dismissively, "Middle ground? I play cricket. The rest is just noise."

The office echoed with the clash of opinions, setting the stage for a turbulent partnership between the grumpy captain and the manager determined to bring some sunshine into his world.

As the argument escalated, a few members of the Indian cricket team gathered outside the office, sensing the brewing storm. The heated exchange between Shubman and Payal became a spectacle that piqued the interest of their teammates.

Payal, frustration mounting, "Shubman, your behavior is unprofessional! You can't treat your manager like this."

Shubman, defiantly, "Unprofessional? I'm here to play cricket, not attend charm school."

Rohit Sharma, entering the scene with a raised eyebrow, "What's going on here?"

Payal, turning to Rohit, "Rohit, I've been trying to get Shubman to understand the importance of his public image."

Shubman, cutting in,"I understand it perfectly. I just don't prioritize it over the game."

Rohit, mediating, "Shubman, we need to find a balance. Payal, let's discuss this calmly."

Payal, glancing at the gathered teammates, "It's not just about me. It's about professionalism."

Shubman, dismissively, "Professionalism is on the field, not in PR stunts."

The tension thickened as the teammates exchanged uneasy glances. Payal, realizing the futility of the argument, decided to take a different approach. She excused herself briefly, returning with a handwritten letter.

Payal, handing the letter to Shubman, "I'm resigning. I can't work in an environment where my professionalism is questioned."

Shubman, tearing the letter without hesitation, "Resigning? No, you're fired. I don't need a manager who can't handle the heat."

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