23. Truth Or Dare

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As Mrunmayee stepped into the room, Shreyas's eyes widened in admiration, his gaze lingering on her outfit.

"Ohh God, you look sexy!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

Mrunmayee felt a rush of heat flood her cheeks at his compliment, her blush deepening as she adjusted the straps of her blue denim shorts and sleek white bralette top, paired with a lemon green blazer.

"Stop it, Shreyas," she protested playfully, her laughter bubbling up at his enthusiastic reaction.

But Shreyas was undeterred, his camera already in hand as he gestured for her to sit on the couch.

"Wait, sit here," he instructed eagerly, positioning her in front of the camera. "I'll click your picture!"

Ishan, who had been watching the exchange with amusement, stepped forward to offer his expertise.

"Alright, Mrun," he said with a grin, "here are a few posing tips to make those photos pop!"

Mrunmayee nodded eagerly, eager to learn from the experts. With Ishan's guidance, she struck a series of poses, each one more confident and captivating than the last.

As the photo shoot continued, laughter filled the room, the camaraderie between friends turning a simple moment into a cherished memory.

"Shubman is going to have a hard time today," Ishan remarked with a mischievous grin, earning a knowing chuckle from Shreyas.

Mrunmayee rolled her eyes at their teasing, but couldn't help but smile at their camaraderie.

"Guys, it's just a brand deal," she reminded them, her tone playful yet firm. "I'm going there as his manager."

Shreyas raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Sure, sure," he teased, nudging Ishan with his elbow. "But we all know you'll be keeping a close eye on him, Miss Manager."

Ishan laughed at the banter, but then his expression turned mock serious.

"Ritsy Bhabhi, Rohit bhai, and Virat bhai are coming too," he pointed out, his tone filled with mock concern. "So you guys don't just start kissing in front of them."

Mrunmayee's cheeks flushed at the suggestion, but she couldn't help but laugh along with her friends.

"Oh please, Ishan," she retorted, her tone teasing. "We'll save the kissing for later, when you're not around to watch."

"So you guys will kiss?!!! What is going on huhhhh?!!" Shreyas and Ishan asked

As Ishan and Shreyas exchanged amused glances, Mrunmayee's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing the unintended implication of her words.

"Wait, no! That's not what I meant," she protested, her voice tinged with embarrassment as she tried to backtrack.

But her friends weren't about to let her off the hook that easily. With mischievous grins, Ishan and Shreyas leaned in closer, their teasing voices overlapping in excitement.

"You said it, Mrunmayee," Ishan exclaimed, his tone filled with playful amusement. "Looks like we're in for a show!"

Mrunmayee groaned inwardly, realizing the extent of her slip-up. "Guys, come on," she pleaded, her cheeks still aflame with embarrassment. "I meant... ummm?"

Shreyas chuckled at her flustered response, his grin widening mischievously.

"Sure, sure," he teased, exchanging a knowing glance with Ishan. "But we'll be keeping an eye out for any... spontaneous displays of affection."

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