8. Heartwarming Hugs.

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In the dim lights of the car, tears streamed down Mrunmayee's face and Shubman drove in tense silence. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words, and the soft hum of the engine filled the air.

Rohit, rarely angered, broke the silence, his voice firm, "Mrunmayee, we care about you, but this can't happen again. It's not just about you; it's about all of us."

Surrounded by concerned faces, Mrunmayee remained silent, avoiding eye contact. Shubman's grip on the steering wheel tightened, his jaw clenched in frustration.

Shreyas, trying to understand, asked, "What happened back there? Why were you in that situation?"

Mrunmayee, her voice shaky, replied, "I needed the money for my mother's treatment. I didn't have a choice."

"Paiso ki zarurat thi tumhe toh mujhe puch leti na, hum kis baat ke neighbours hai? Bhai bolkar itna bhi vishwas nahi hai tumhe?" Rohit scolded her.

Ishan, genuinely concerned, added, "You should've told us. We would've found another way."

The car moved through city lights, capturing the somber mood. Shubman, still silent, focused on the road, his anger palpable.

Shubman's anger was palpable. He commanded, "Call your mom and tell her you're staying at my place for the night. We still have things to solve."

Mrunmayee, nervous, complied, "Aai, I have some important work with Shubman. I'll be staying at his place tonight."

In the midst of the tension, Rohit questioned, "Jyotsana aunty knows you worked at the pub?"

Mrunmayee, trying to keep her composure, replied, "No, she doesn't."

Rohit sighed, his anger dissipating, "You should've been honest with us, especially considering the bond you share with Shubman and all of us."

Shreyas, noticing the shift in emotions, spoke with genuine concern, "Mrunmayee, we're like family. You can't keep such things from us. We're here to help."

Virat, Ishan, and Hardik echoed the sentiment, expressing their concern for her well-being. The car moved through the city streets, and the atmosphere inside gradually shifted from anger to understanding.

Shreyas, feeling a brotherly connection, added, "You're like a sister to me, and family doesn't keep secrets. Let's sort this out together."


As they reached Shubman's home, he unlocked the door, his frustration still evident.

Without a word, he went to fetch water for Mrunmayee. She sat on the couch, surrounded by others, while Shreyas hugged her tightly for comfort.

Shubman, breaking his silence, handed her the water without looking at her. He sat on the other couch, visibly annoyed, rolling his eyes. Mrunmayee, feeling the weight of the situation, drank the water in silence.

Shreyas, holding her close, whispered, "It's okay. Let it out." Mrunmayee, finding solace in Shreyas's embrace, began to sob, releasing all the emotions she had bottled up. He rubbed her back gently, providing a comforting presence.

In the quiet living room, the others, concerned for Mrunmayee, refrained from asking questions. They offered silent support and comfort, creating a reassuring atmosphere.

Shubman, though still silent, observed her closely, his heart aching at the sight of her distress.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Virat spoke gently, "You're not doing any part-time job from now on. We'll figure out a solution together."

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