39. Awards.

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As they arrived at the venue, Mrunmayee and Kanika discreetly made their way through the back entrance, avoiding the flashing cameras of the paparazzi.

Mrunmayee glanced around, ensuring they weren't spotted, while Kanika followed closely, her eyes darting nervously.

Inside, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as athletes and celebrities mingled. Mrunmayee spotted familiar faces among the crowd: Virat and Anushka chatting with Rohit and Ritika, KL Rahul engaged in conversation with Ishan and Shreyas.

Mrunmayee whispered to Kanika, "Stay close, we need to blend in and stay out of the spotlight."

Kanika nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation as they navigated through the crowd, careful not to draw attention to themselves. They finally found their designated seating area and settled in, ready for the event to begin.

Shubman waved to Mrunmayee and Kanika, motioning for them to join him and Ishan at their table.

Mrunmayee and Kanika exchanged a quick glance before making their way over, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement.

As they settled into their seats, Shubman leaned in and whispered, "Glad you both could make it. This is going to be a memorable night."

Ishan chimed in, "Absolutely! It's great to have you ladies here."

Mrunmayee smiled gratefully, feeling relieved that they were welcomed warmly despite the secrecy surrounding their presence.

She glanced around, noticing the absence of paparazzi nearby, thanks to Virat's request for privacy.

"Thank you, Shubman," Mrunmayee replied softly. "We're honored to be here."

Kanika nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she took in the glamorous surroundings of the awards ceremony.

Shubman reached for Mrunmayee's hand, Kanika couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. She glanced around the table, noticing the knowing smirks exchanged between Shreyas, Ishan, and the others.

Shreyas leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Looks like the boss is quite smitten, huh?"

Ishan chuckled, nudging Virat. "I think we've got ourselves a love story brewing here."

Virat grinned, his eyes twinkling as he glanced at Shubman and Mrunmayee. "About time they made it official."

Anushka leaned over, whispering to Ritika, "Did you know about this?"

Ritika shook her head, equally surprised. "No idea, but they make a cute couple."

Meanwhile, Kanika's confusion only grew as she observed the playful banter around the table.

She discreetly nudged Mrunmayee and whispered, "Are you and Shubman sir...?"

Mrunmayee blushed, realizing that their secret relationship had been discovered by her colleague. She squeezed Kanika's hand reassuringly and whispered back, "Yes, we're together."

Kanika's eyes widened in shock, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "What?!! Our grumpy boss loves you?!" Immediately, she clapped a hand over her mouth, her cheeks flushing crimson as she glanced at Shubman, who was seated nearby.

Shubman's expression shifted from surprise to mild amusement as he heard Kanika's outburst. "I heard that, Kanika," he said with a smirk, causing Kanika to shrink in her seat, mortified.

Mrunmayee stifled a giggle, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's true," she admitted, casting a fond glance at Shubman. "But let's keep it between us for now, okay?"

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