Epilogue: Part 2

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Ishan, overcome with melodramatic despair, dramatically lamented, "Yaar Shubman, if you get married, what will become of me?"

Shubman chuckled at his friend's theatrics, shaking his head in amusement. "You're a father, Ishan, for heaven's sake," he retorted, trying to stifle his laughter.

Ishan wiped away mock tears, sniffling dramatically. "But who will I share my woes with? Who will understand my struggles?" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with exaggerated despair.

Shubman rolled his eyes playfully, nudging Ishan with his elbow. "Come on, Ishan, you'll always have me. Besides, you have a whole family to support you now," he said, his tone light and teasing.

Ishika, Ishan's daughter, chimed in with a smile, sensing the playful banter between her father and Shubman. "It's okay, Chachu. I like your bromance a lot. My Ishman," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Shubman grinned at Ishika's comment, a burst of laughter escaping him. "Wow, even she knows our ship name," he remarked, his laughter contagious as Ishan and Ishika joined in the merriment.

As the playful banter continued between Shubman, Ishan, and Ishika, Rishabh, appeared in the doorway with a smile.

"Hey, guys! Sorry to interrupt, but it's time to round up the kids," Rishabh announced, his voice cheerful as he entered the room.

Ishika's face lit up at the sight of Rishabh, her favorite uncle figure among the team members. "Rishabh Chachu!" she exclaimed, bounding over to him with a bright smile.

Rishabh scooped Ishika up into his arms with a laugh, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Hey there, kiddo. Ready for some fun with the rest of the gang?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with warmth.

Ishika nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable as she waved goodbye to her father and Shubman. "Bye, Dad! Bye, Shubman Chachu!" she called out, already caught up in the excitement of the evening.

Ishan waved back with a smile, his heart warmed by the bond between Rishabh and Ishika. "Have fun, sweetheart. We'll see you later," he called out, his voice filled with affection.

Shubman watched fondly as Rishabh and Ishika headed off together, grateful for the support of his teammates and their families. "Thanks, Rish. I appreciate you looking after the kids," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Rishabh grinned, giving Shubman a thumbs-up. "No problem, buddy. We've got everything under control here. You focus on getting ready for your big day," he replied, his tone reassuring.

As Rishabh and Ishika disappeared down the hallway, Shubman turned his attention back to the task at hand, feeling a surge of excitement and anticipation for the wedding ahead.

With the support of his friends and loved ones, he knew that the day would be nothing short of magical.


"Hey, Uncle Shreyas! It's my mom and dad's wedding!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, his eyes shining with pure joy as he jumped up and down in excitement.

Shreyas chuckled at Abhimanyu's infectious enthusiasm, ruffling his hair affectionately. "That's right, buddy! It's a special day for your mom and dad," he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

Aadhvita, Shreyas' daughter, joined in the excitement, her face lighting up with a wide grin. "I can't wait to see them all dressed up!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

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