20. Assaulted.

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(Triger Warning: Sexual Assault.
Don't read if you aren't comfortable.

I clearly don't support any kind off stuff like this, its just for the story and I feel ashamed to even write it.

The starting might be really disheartening but everything ends with a hope.)


As Mrunmayee emerged from the restroom, her head still spinning and her steps faltering, she suddenly felt her strength give way beneath her. Before she could hit the ground, however, a pair of strong arms caught her, preventing her fall.

Rithvik, who had been lurking nearby, seized the opportunity to approach Mrunmayee, his eyes scanning her unlocked phone.

With a quick glance at her recent messages, he spotted Shreyas's name and wasted no time in composing a message on her behalf.

"Shreyas, not feeling well. Heading home," he typed quickly, before slipping her phone into his pocket and hoisting her effortlessly over his shoulders.

Ignoring any protests or questions, he carried her swiftly out of the party venue, taking care to avoid drawing any unnecessary attention.

With each step, Rithvik's mind buzzed with anticipation, his heart pounding with the thrill of his devious plan.

It was only a matter of time before his scheme would come to fruition, leaving Mrunmayee at his mercy and fulfilling his dark intentions.

With each step he took, Rithvik's touch felt more invasive, his hand wandering dangerously close to Mrunmayee's lower waist. Suddenly, he smacked her lightly, his voice dripping with malice as he spoke.

"What did you think, Mrun? Did you really believe you could escape my watchful eye?" he taunted, his words laced with a sinister edge.

But Mrunmayee could offer no response, her mind clouded with confusion and her body weakened by the effects of whatever had been slipped into her drink.

As Rithvik continued to carry her, Mrunmayee's thoughts swirled in a dizzying haze, her senses dulled by the disorienting cocktail coursing through her veins.

All she could do was cling to a faint hope that someone, somehow, would come to her rescue before it was too late.

As Mrunmayee's senses slowly began to return, she found herself tied to a chair in a dimly lit room, her mind still hazy from the effects of the drug.

Despite the fog in her thoughts, a sense of unease settled over her as she realized the gravity of her situation.

Her eyes flickered to Rithvik as he rummaged through his cupboard, his movements purposeful and calculated.

Panic surged within her, but she attempted to maintain a facade of composure, mustering whatever strength remained in her disoriented state.

"What... What did you do to me?" Mrunmayee managed to choke out, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and confusion.

Rithvik paused, his gaze piercing as he turned to face her, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh, just a little something to help you relax," he replied casually, his tone laced with sinister intent.

Mrunmayee's heart pounded in her chest as she attempted to reason with him, her words falling on deaf ears.

"Whatever happened was in the past, Rithvik. I gave you what you needed. Now, please, just let me go," she pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

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