19. Malice.

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As the day unfolded, Mrunmayee efficiently managed Shubman's schedule, ensuring he was prepared for his practice session and upcoming shoot.

However, as Shubman sifted through his emails, he came across an intriguing invitation from Vanya Kapoor, a prominent Bollywood actress and a star kid.

Turning to Mrunmayee, he inquired, "Did you receive any emails from Vanya's team? It seems I've been invited to a party."

Mrunmayee furrowed her brows in concentration before shaking her head. "No, I didn't receive anything from them," she replied, her tone thoughtful.

Shubman pondered for a moment, considering the invitation. "What do you think? Should I attend?" he asked, seeking her opinion.

Mrunmayee paused, weighing the options carefully. "It could be a good opportunity to network and meet industry insiders," she suggested.

"But ultimately, it's your decision. If you think it aligns with your goals and schedule, then why not?"

Shubman nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "True," he conceded. "I'll think about it. Thanks for your input," he added with a grateful smile.

Mrunmayee returned his smile, appreciating the trust he placed in her judgment. "Anytime," she replied warmly. "Just let me know if you need anything else.

Ishan burst into the room, his excitement palpable as he spotted Shubman. "Did you get the invite form Vanya Kapoor too, bro?" he exclaimed eagerly.

Shubman nodded in confirmation, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I did," he replied, glancing at the email on his phone.

Ishan's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Awesome! We should totally go. It'll be a great opportunity to unwind and enjoy some good food," he suggested enthusiastically.

Shubman chuckled at Ishan's eagerness, nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, you're right. A cheat day sounds good," he conceded, feeling a slight sense of anticipation at the prospect of a break from his routine.

Ishan grinned, already envisioning the delicious spread awaiting them at the party. "Exactly! Plus, it'll be fun to mingle with some celebs," he added with a wink.

Shubman chuckled at Ishan's excitement, knowing that his friend's infectious energy would make the evening memorable.

"Alright, let's do it," he agreed, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him.

Mrunmayee watched in silence as Shubman and Ishan scrolled through Vanya's Instagram feed, exchanging admiring comments about her photos.

"I don't know, man. She seems pretty popular," Ishan remarked, scrolling through Vanya's glamorous posts.

"Yeah, she's definitely got a huge following," Shubman agreed, nodding in acknowledgment.

Mrunmayee couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at their casual admiration for someone she couldn't stand.

She had seen Vanya's interviews and found her persona grating, with her exaggerated cuteness and affected accent.

"Mrunmayee, you okay?" Shubman's voice broke through her thoughts, and she realized she had been lost in her own thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, forcing a smile as she turned away from the screen. "Just remembered something I need to do."

Without waiting for a response, she made a quick exit, the discomfort of listening to Shubman and Ishan fawn over Vanya's social media presence becoming too much to bear.

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