15. Hanging Out.

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"Aai, take care and call me if needed," Mrunmayee said to her mother.

"Beta, I'm just going to stay with my friends for a few days," her mother replied.

"Still, Aai," Mrunmayee insisted. "And yes, I'm going out today."

"Wasn't it your holiday?" her mother inquired.

"Yes, I'm going for a hangout," Mrunmayee confirmed.

Her mother's excitement peaked as she asked, "With whom?"

"Shub...Shubman," Mrunmayee admitted hesitantly.

"Why?" her mother questioned, surprised by the sudden mention of Shubman's name.

"Well, we won the match yesterday, and he wanted to celebrate. Also, he asked if we could hang out tomorrow since it's a holiday," Mrunmayee explained.

Her mother raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Shubman, huh? Seems like you two have become good friends."

"Yeah, I guess so. He's just a friend, Aai," Mrunmayee quickly clarified.

Her mother smiled knowingly, "Of course, beta. Just make sure you have a good time and stay safe, okay?"

Mrunmayee nodded, relieved that her mother didn't press further. "Don't worry, Aai. I'll be fine. I'll let you know if there's any change in plans."

With that assurance, her mother bid her farewell, reminding her to enjoy her day out with friends.


As Mrunmayee descended the steps of her building, Shubman awaited her by the car, leaning casually against the front. His eyes widened in awe as he caught sight of her approaching figure. She looked ethereal, captivating him with her grace and charm.

Dressed in a purple organza crop top with delicate balloon sleeves paired with lilac flowy palazzo pants, she exuded an aura of elegance.

The ensemble accentuated her tiny waist, adding to her allure. Shubman found himself unable to tear his gaze away, completely entranced by her beauty.

Lost in admiration, he couldn't help but simp for her, overwhelmed by her radiance and charm.

Seizing the moment, Shubman quickly whipped out his phone and discreetly captured a picture of Mrunmayee as she momentarily looked in another direction.

With practiced precision, he framed the shot, ensuring to capture her in all her radiant glory. As the camera clicked, he felt a rush of satisfaction, knowing he had captured a moment of her beauty to cherish later.


"Exploring the city sounds like a perfect plan," Mrunmayee replied with a sparkle in her eyes, her excitement palpable.

"I've always wanted to visit Bandra Bandstand. Have you been there before?"

Shubman shook his head, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah I've it's a beautiful spot, especially during sunset. Shall we go?" he suggested, his eyes bright with anticipation.

Mrunmayee nodded eagerly, her heart fluttering with excitement. "Absolutely! It'll be so much fun to explore together," she exclaimed, feeling a sense of adventure coursing through her veins.

As they left the café and headed towards Bandra Bandstand, their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared anecdotes. With each step they took, their bond grew stronger, and the city of Mumbai seemed to hold endless possibilities for their adventure.

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