43. Insecure.

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Shubman entered the dining area, he couldn't help but notice Yashasvi and Mrunmayee engrossed in conversation, laughing together as if they were the only two people in the room. A surge of jealousy flared up within him at the sight of his friend and his girl enjoying each other's company.

He clenched his jaw, trying to push down the irrational anger bubbling inside him. Yashasvi glanced up and noticed Shubman's arrival, offering a friendly wave and a smile. But Shubman's response was curt, a forced nod in acknowledgment.

Mrunmayee sensed the tension emanating from Shubman and furrowed her brow in concern. "Hey, Shubman, how was the extra practice?" she asked, trying to engage him in conversation.

Shubman shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze flickering between Yashasvi and Mrunmayee. "Fine," he replied tersely, avoiding eye contact with either of them.

Yashasvi, oblivious to the underlying tension, continued chatting animatedly with Mrunmayee, completely unaware of Shubman's inner turmoil.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Shubman abruptly excused himself from the table, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling of possessiveness gnawing at him, his jealousy consuming his thoughts.

"Shub why didn't you eat anything?" Rohit asked as he followed Shubman.

"Rohit bhai..." Shubman hesitated, his gaze still fixed on the scene unfolding at the dining table. "I'm not really hungry," he replied, his tone distracted.

Rohit followed Shubman's line of sight and noticed the tension between him, Yashasvi, and Mrunmayee. "Is everything okay?" Rohit asked, concern creasing his brow.

Shubman sighed, torn between his feelings of jealousy and his respect for Rohit. "It's nothing, bhai," he muttered, trying to brush off the situation.

But Rohit could sense that something was bothering Shubman. "Come on, Shub," he urged, placing a comforting hand on Shubman's shoulder. "You can talk to me. What's on your mind?"

Shubman hesitated, his emotions swirling inside him. Finally, he decided to confide in Rohit. "I don't know, bhai," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just... I feel like I'm losing control, you know? And it's eating me up inside."

Rohit nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "Listen, Shub," he said reassuringly. "You're not alone. We all have our moments of doubt and insecurity. But you've got to trust yourself and your relationship with Mrunmayee. She loves you, man. Don't let jealousy get in the way of that."

Shubman nodded, grateful for Rohit's words of wisdom. "Thanks, bhai," he said sincerely, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I needed to hear that."

Rohit clapped him on the back with a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Shub," he said. "Now, let's go grab some food. You'll feel better after you eat."

As Shubman and Rohit made their way to the dining area, Shubman couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He glanced over at Mrunmayee and Yashasvi again, trying to mask his jealousy with a forced smile.

Rohit noticed Shubman's tense demeanor and decided to lighten the mood. "Hey, why the long face?" he teased, nudging Shubman playfully. "You're not still worried about those two, are you?"

Shubman sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, bhai," he admitted. "It's just... seeing them together like that, it gets to me."

Rohit chuckled, patting Shubman on the back. "Relax, Shub," he said reassuringly. "They're just friends. Besides, you trust Mrunmayee, don't you?"

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