42. Jealous or not?

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In Aadhya's cramped office, Shubman's frustration simmered, evident in the tense set of his shoulders and the furrowed lines etched across his forehead. His assistant, Aadhya, sat opposite him, her expression a mixture of apprehension and resignation as she braced herself for his reprimand.

"Listen, Aadhya," Shubman began, his voice clipped and tinged with irritation. "I've told you multiple times that I need those reports on my desk by noon. It's not rocket science, is it?"

Aadhya nodded, her gaze fixed on the papers strewn across her desk. "I'm sorry, Shubman. I'll make sure to prioritize them from now on."

Shubman let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to rein in his frustration. "I don't think you understand the importance of these deadlines, Aadhya. We can't afford to miss them, especially with the upcoming matches."

Aadhya nodded again, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'll do better, I promise."

Shubman's frustration seemed to intensify at her response. "You keep saying that, but I need to see some actual improvement, Aadhya. Otherwise, I'll have to request a replacement from BCCI."

A pang of anxiety shot through Aadhya at the thought of losing her job. "Please, Shubman, give me another chance. I'll work harder, I swear."

Shubman's features softened slightly at her plea, but the frustration still lingered in his eyes. "Fine, Aadhya. But this is your last chance. I need you to step up and prove that you're capable of handling this position."

In the corridor outside Aadhya's cabin, Yashasvi Jaiswal and Dhruv Jurel leaned against the wall, their ears pressed against the door as they strained to catch snippets of the conversation inside. Their curiosity was piqued, but they froze as they heard footsteps approaching.

Mrunmayee's laughter rang out as she rounded the corner, catching sight of the two cricketers eavesdropping with amusement. "Hey, guys," she called, causing Yashasvi and Dhruv to quickly straighten up and turn towards her.

"Sorry, do we know you?" Yashasvi asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Mrunmayee chuckled, accustomed to the occasional forgetfulness amidst the whirlwind of cricketing fame. "I'm Mrunmayee, Shubman's manager," she clarified with a warm smile.

Recognition dawned on their faces as they realized her identity. "Oh, right! Nice to meet you," Dhruv said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Before Mrunmayee could respond, Shreyas approached from behind, his playful demeanor evident as he smacked the back of her head lightly. "There you are, troublemaker," he teased, flashing a mischievous grin.

Mrunmayee rolled her eyes playfully, swatting at Shreyas in mock annoyance. "And there's my favorite nuisance," she retorted, a hint of affection underlying her words.

Yashasvi and Dhruv watched the exchange with amusement, quickly realizing the camaraderie between Shreyas and Mrunmayee. "You two seem close," Yashasvi remarked, a smile tugging at his lips.

Shreyas nodded, his grin widening. "Like siblings, always bickering but always there for each other," he explained, his tone fond as he glanced at Mrunmayee.

Mrunmayee nodded in agreement, her gaze meeting Shreyas's with a shared understanding. "Exactly," she affirmed, a hint of affection softening her features as she exchanged a knowing look with her cricketing counterpart.

"I swear, I've never seen Shub this angry," Dhruv remarked, his brows furrowed in concern.

Yashasvi nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Dhruv's concern. "Yeah, he's usually pretty calm and composed. Wonder what set him off this time," he mused, glancing back at the closed door of Aadhya's cabin.

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