44. Controversy?

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Shubman stirred from his slumber, his senses slowly coming alive. He felt the warmth of Mrunmayee's naked body pressed against him, her soft curves fitting perfectly against his own.

Last night's passion still lingered in the air, the memory of their intense lovemaking sending a shiver down his spine. He couldn't help but smile as he gazed down at her, her tousled hair splayed across the pillow, her lips parted in peaceful slumber.

Her body bore the marks of their fiery encounter, hickeys scattered across her neck and breasts like a roadmap of their desire. He traced his fingers lightly over the marks, a silent testament to the passion they had shared.

Mrunmayee stirred beside him, her arms instinctively tightening around him as she snuggled closer. He could feel her breath against his skin, the soft rhythm of her heartbeat syncing with his own.

"Good morning, Sunshine," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Sleep well?"

She mumbled something unintelligible in response, her fingers trailing lazily across his chest as she nuzzled closer to him.

Shubman chuckled softly, running his hand through her hair as he savored the moment. Last night may have been intense, but waking up to her in his arms was pure bliss. And as they lay there entwined together, he knew that their love was stronger than ever before.

As they lay entwined in the warmth of the morning light, Shubman gently brushed a stray strand of hair from Mrunmayee's face, admiring the peaceful expression on her sleeping features. He couldn't resist the urge to pepper soft kisses along her jawline, eliciting a faint sigh from her lips.

"Mmm, that feels nice," she murmured, her eyes fluttering open slowly.

Shubman smiled down at her, his heart swelling with affection. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with adoration.

Mrunmayee returned his smile, her fingers tracing lazy patterns across his chest. "Morning, handsome," she replied, her voice still heavy with sleep.

They lay there in comfortable silence for a moment, simply basking in each other's presence. But soon, the realities of the day began to creep into their consciousness, reminding them of the outside world waiting beyond the confines of their embrace.

"I suppose we should get up and start the day," Shubman said reluctantly, though he had no desire to leave the warmth of their bed.

Mrunmayee nodded in agreement, though she made no move to untangle herself from him. "I guess so," she conceded, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips.

Shubman gently nudged Mrunmayee, urging her to get up and start the day. "Come on, love, it's time to get moving," he said softly, his fingers trailing lightly along her arm.

Mrunmayee let out a soft groan and buried her face deeper into the pillow. "I'm too tired," she mumbled, her voice muffled by the fabric.

Chuckling softly, Shubman leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead. "I know, but you'll feel better after a nice hot shower," he coaxed, trying to motivate her.

But Mrunmayee remained stubborn, her reluctance evident in the way she refused to budge from the bed. "I can't even muster the energy to walk to the bathroom, let alone take a shower," she protested, her words tinged with exhaustion.

Shubman couldn't help but smile at her sleepy stubbornness. "Alright, how about this? I'll carry you to the bathroom," he offered, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

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