17. Missed Kiss.

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As Mrunmayee scrolled through the playlists, she stumbled upon one titled "Romantic Hits," which seemed perfect for the relaxed atmosphere they were aiming for.

With a satisfied nod, she selected the playlist and hit play, filling the kitchen with mellow tunes.

Shubman glanced over at her with a smile as he resumed chopping the vegetables.

"Good choice," he remarked, nodding his head in time with the music. "This will definitely make cooking more enjoyable."

Mrunmayee beamed at his approval, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her.

"I'm glad you like it," she said, tapping her foot to the rhythm of the song. "It's always nice to have some good music in the background."

As they worked side by side in the kitchen, the playful banter continued, with occasional bursts of laughter punctuating the air.

Despite the initial awkwardness of being in such close proximity, they quickly fell into a comfortable rhythm, their movements synchronized as they prepared dinner together.

With each passing moment, Mrunmayee found herself enjoying Shubman's company more and more, cherishing these simple yet precious moments they were sharing.

As the pasta bubbled away on the stove, Mrunmayee couldn't resist the urge to be more involved in the cooking process.

"Shubman, let me do something," she pleaded, a playful glint in her eyes.

Shubman, however, had other plans. With a mischievous grin, he sauntered over to her, effectively trapping her between his arms against the kitchen counter.

"I don't want you to do anything, understand?" he teased, his warm breath tickling her neck as he leaned in closer. "Just sit here like a good baby."

Mrunmayee couldn't help but laugh at his antics, feeling a rush of warmth spread through her at his proximity.

Despite his teasing, she found herself surprisingly content to stay exactly where she was, wrapped up in his embrace, as they waited for dinner to be ready.

Mrunmayee glanced at Shubman, she couldn't help but notice the slight unkemptness of his appearance.

His hair, usually neatly styled, now cascaded in soft waves, framing his face in a way that accentuated his rugged charm.

His stubble added a hint of raw masculinity, lending an air of confidence to his demeanor.

Despite the lack of grooming, Shubman exuded an effortless allure that drew her in.

His disheveled appearance only served to enhance his appeal, making him appear even more irresistible in her eyes.

Mrunmayee found herself captivated by his rugged yet undeniably attractive appearance, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks as she admired him from afar.

Shubman stole glances at Mrunmayee, he couldn't help but feel captivated by her endearing charm.

Her cheeks, adorned with a subtle blush, lent her an adorable innocence that tugged at his heartstrings.

With each glance, he found himself drawn to her petite figure, his gaze lingering on her delicate waist.

"You're looking really cute today," Shubman remarked, unable to contain his admiration. "That blush on your cheeks... it suits you."

Mrunmayee's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink at his compliment, a shy smile gracing her lips.

"Stop it, Shubman," she replied, her voice soft and bashful. "You're just saying that."

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