9. Simping.

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✨ Chapter Nine ✨

In the midst of a fine workday, the dressing room was filled with the aroma of sweat, and team members roamed around, some shirtless or wearing vests.

Mrunmayee entered the room, catching an unexpected sight that left her startled. She let out a surprised scream, immediately closing her eyes with her hands.

The players, caught off guard, turned their attention towards her. Shubman, shirtless and toweling off the sweat, raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter?" he asked, amused by her reaction.

Mrunmayee, still keeping her eyes shut tightly, stammered, "I-I didn't expect... I mean, I'm sorry. I should've knocked or something."

As Ishan noticed her discomfort, he asked, "Why are you standing like that, Mrunmayee?" The team members, familiar with Shubman's grumpiness, couldn't help but find amusement in her reaction.

Embarrassed and not daring to peek through her hands, Mrunmayee mumbled, "I-I didn't expect this. I'm sorry."

Shubman, usually the grumpy one, couldn't help but be less stern whenever she was around.

This was the first time she had entered the dressing room, and the unexpected scene caught her off guard.

With the knowledge that they would be in this state for at least half an hour, the team members tried to assure her it was normal and suggested she open her eyes, but she hesitated, still feeling uneasy.

Mrunmayee, gathering the courage, opened her eyes and removed her hands slightly, gasping at the sight.

Ishan, the jovial spirit of the team, teased, "Mrun, don't give such reactions. It feels like our gym hours haven't worked well."

"No, it isn't like that," she replied.

Ishan persisted, "Than what? Should I say it?"

Mrunmayee, breaking into a smile, looked around at the shirtless and tattooed players and said, "What are you all, most of you are tattooed beasts." Her comment elicited laughter from the team, easing the tension in the room.

Mrunmayee's gaze shifted to Shubman, who lay shirtless on the cushioned table with closed eyes and a hand shielding his forehead from the light, she couldn't help but admire him.

He looked so fine, with a toned, v-shaped body, well-built muscles, perfect abs, and biceps. The tattoos inked on him seemed like a cherry on top of the cake.

Weird thoughts crossed her innocent mind as she observed him. The juxtaposition of his grumpy demeanor and this vulnerable moment left her with conflicting emotions.

Mrunmayee's subconscious mind was having a lively conversation with her as she ogled at the shirtless Shubman.

"Okay, focus, Mrun. Don't stare too much," she scolded herself.

"But have you seen those abs? It's like they were sculpted by the gods," her subconscious mind replied, a hint of mischief.

"Mm-hmm, I can't deny that. And those tattoos... intriguing," she admitted with a playful smirk.

"Snap out of it! He's your boss, not some movie star," her practical side chimed in.

"But what if he is my movie star? Ever think about that?" her playful subconscious teased.

"I need to maintain professionalism, not let my thoughts run wild," she asserted to herself.

"Professionalism is overrated. Let's just enjoy the view," her mischievous subconscious suggested.

As Mrunmayee focused solely on Shubman's tattoos, she observed his hands adorned with various designs.

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