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After Devan and Nessa posted a video they are having a baby........

Few days later....Devan and Nessa decided to post a video.....

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful fiance...

Nessa:...hey guys...

Devan:..if you guys didn't see our last video we're having a baby we're gonna be a family of 3.....

Nessa:.. I know it's gonna be amazing I just can't wait....

Devan:.. yeah it's amazing how we grew and now we're having a baby...... like your carrying my twin....

Nessa:....you guys devan has been saying that if we are having a boy he wants our son name to be his.......

Devan:.. yeah like Devin jr....

Nessa:... look devan I want our baby to have it's own name....

Devan:.. alright........ but yeah I'm just happy for this journey....

Nessa:....I know....

Devan:.so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys...

Nessa:...bye guys....

Devan:...(ended the video)...

Few weeks later devan and nessa and roni and aaron and Collins and John....

Devan:..you guys I have a wedding date for our big day....

Nessa:... what is it.....

Devan:... I was thinking it should be October 25th....

Nessa:...I was thinking the same thing....

Collins:.. yeah it's perfect....

Roni:.. yeah it is...

Aaron:.. yeah....it really is...

John:... yeah....go for it....

Few weeks later Devan and Nessa decided to post a video on their channel...

Devan:..hey guys.... it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful fiance nessa...

Nessa:.. hey guys....

Devan:..if you guys see by the title we've have announcement about our wedding...

Nessa:..we do....

Devan:...so our wedding date is October 25th....

Nessa:...yeah.... it's perfect....

Devan:... yeah but we decided to put our wedding planning on hold because we want to have the baby before the wedding.... so yeah....

Nessa:... yeah and our gender reveal is coming up....so when you guys see the next video it's gonna be the Gender reveal.....

Devan:.. yeah.... I'm really hoping it's a boy...

Nessa:.. I think it's gonna be boy but I'm thinking it's a girl....

Devan:..yeah....... whatever gender it is we will be happy......

Nessa:..yeah.....no matter it is we're gonna be happy.....

Devan:..yes if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys....(ended the video)...

Few days later devan and nessa got their gender reveal envelope and they handled it to Roni and Aaron and John and to Collins and Carla....they handled out 5 to them... and they opened it up when Devan and Nessa weren't here to see.....until their gender reveal video.....and they posted their gender reveal on their channel... they had on the rooftop of their apartment building they had videographers and photographers and their parents and friends there and it was at night 🌃

their lives are gonna change or is it ❤️🤔(Merrell twins & Key Brothers)❤️Where stories live. Discover now