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After Devan and Nessa are excited about their baby gender reveal they are so happy....

Few weeks later devan and nessa decided to post on their channel...before the gender reveal

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan and Nessa and today we're going to be doing a Q &A...

Nessa:.. yes about anything....so I will go first.... the first question is do you guys want a baby girl or a baby boy....um we don't mind either one but we are really hoping it's a girl...

Devan:.. yeah we want a baby girl but no matter what is it we're going be happy....

Nessa:.. yeah next question is do you guys have any names...

Devan:.... yeah but we not gonna say...... until she or he is here....

Nessa:.. yeah so next question is are you guys gonna record the gender reveal...yes always...

Devan:.. yeah always like I can't wait for it.....

Nessa:..me too...so the gender reveal is going to epic...

Devan:.. yeah I just can't wait for it....

Nessa:.. okay next question where and when did you found you were pregnant....um in Dubai.... and it was on devan's birthday week...

Devan:.. yeah we're not gonna split the details but yeah we were um having fun that night... anyways next question...

Nessa:.. okay last question is how is your guys relationship....um it's been amazing....

Devan:... yeah like it's been amazing and I'm glad that I have you...

Nessa:..me too....

Devan:.. okay if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels and stay toon for the gender reveal video because the next video that you guys will see is the gender reveal..

Nessa:.. yeah I can't wait...

Devan:.. yeah I can't wait either so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels bye you guys...

Nessa:.. bye you guys...

Devan:..(ended the video)...

Few days later Devan and Nessa decided to post on their channel.... gender reveal is happening and Collins and Devan's parents are there and Nessa and Roni's parents are there and Collins and Carla and John and Aaron and Roni and Alex and Andrew and Brooklyn and Bailey are there and videographers and photographers are there so record the video and take pictures......

Devan:.. okay you guys it's Devan and Nessa here I can't believe today is the day we find out our baby's gender....

Nessa:.. yeah I can't believe it.... but no matter what you are mommy and daddy loves you so much and your brothers love you so much and I can't wait to find out what you are....

Devan:.. I can't wait......

Few hours later at the gender reveal and everyone else is there and having a good time and videographer is recording for the gender reveal video....

Roni:..hey guys it's Roni and Aaron here to support Devan and Nessa and I'm team girl but no matter what you are just know that auntie roni love you so much..

Aaron:.. yeah I'm team girl but yeah no matter what you are we are gonna love no matter what.....

Roni:.. yeah so love you guys...

Few hours later at the Gender reveal and videographer is still recording....

Collins:..hey guys it's Collins and Carla here and I'm team girl but I'm feeling it's a another boy but no matter what you are your uncle Collins and Aunt Carla loves you...

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