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After Devan and Nessa posted about having another baby everyone is happy about it.....

Few days later devan and nessa posted the videos of nessa finding out and surprising devan but they decided to post on their channel....

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan and Nessa and today we're gonna be answering your guys questions about everything....

Nessa:.. yeah so... first question is how does it to have another baby..... it's feels amazing....

Devan:.. yeah it really does like 4 babies are gonna be hard but we're happy...... okay next question is do have any names for the baby....


Devan:..we do but we still don't know the gender but if it's a girl we have a name....

Nessa:.. yeah.. but we didn't decide on a name if it is another boy....

Devan:.. yeah so I came with our daughter's name if we are having a girl or not....(smiling)..

Nessa:..no you didn't I think I did...(smiling)...

Devan:...so you did....(smiling at her)..

Nessa:.. yeah I came up with the name... like devan came up with all of the boys names...

Devan:.. I did..... but I also came up with our daughter's name if we are having a girl....

Nessa:.. okay.. you guys will found when we are having our gender reveal......

Devan:.. yeah the gender reveal is in 4 days but yeah....

Nessa:.. next question is are you guys gonna show the gender reveal like you did for the other ones..... yes of course...

Devan:.. yeah always....so this gender reveal is gonna be at night but their gonna lights so that way our videographer can see and recording everything....

Nessa:.. yeah so stay toon for our gender reveal.

Devan:.. alright next question is new house coming....um we are deciding to move to a new house because we decided to move to a bigger house so that way the kids can run around and play and more rooms.....

Nessa:... yeah so new house coming soon...next question is are you guys putting dalin and dallas in school.... um yes soon...

Devan:.. yeah of course.. but soon dalin is 3 and dallas is 2....so yeah...

Nessa:..last question is traveling still happening....um yes but not yet...

Devan:.. yeah so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels bye you guys.....

Nessa:.. bye guys....

Devan:..(ended the video)...

Few days later nessa and roni and Collins and Devan and John and Aaron....

Devan:..so our gender reveal is in 3 days....

Nessa:.. yeah I can't wait.... I'm really hoping it's a girl...

Devan:...me too.....

Roni:.. yeah I'm too...

Aaron:.. yeah I'm hoping....

John:..me too.......

Devan:.. when the gender reveal is coming....

Few days later Devan and Nessa posted the gender reveal video and everyone is there devan and Collins parents are there and Nessa and Roni's parents are there Roni and Aaron and John and Andrew and Alex and Collins and Carla and Brooklyn and Bailey and everyone else is there..... and videographer is recording the video and photographers are there.....

their lives are gonna change or is it ❤️🤔(Merrell twins & Key Brothers)❤️Where stories live. Discover now