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After Dalin birthday party it was amazing......dalin is 2 years old.....

Few days later devan and nessa post a video on their channel.....

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:..hey guys...

Devan:.. today as you guys see by the title we're gonna be doing a Q & A..

Nessa:.. yes we're gonna answer your guys questions about our relationship our kids and our lives about our parenting life...

Devan:.. yeah so do you want to go first..

Nessa:.. yeah I should so first question is can you break down dalin and dallas features..

Devan:...so dalin and dallas are like our own twin....

Nessa:.. yeah like it's insane...

Devan:..so dalin he has my eyes and my color eyes blue of course and he has my head shaped and dallas he looks like his mommy..

Nessa:..he does....so dallas has my brown color eyes and he has my dimples...

Devan:.. yeah and dalin has nessa's lips...

Nessa:.. yeah and dallas has your lips and dalin has my smile and dallas has your smile...both of them have your nose....

Devan:.. yeah so dalin is his daddy's boy...

Nessa:.. yeah and dallas is his mommy's twin....

Devan:.. yeah next question is I know you guys are waiting but when you serious gonna have baby #3.....

Nessa:..um we did talk about another baby....

Devan:.. well you did...

Nessa:. yeah and we decided too...... have another baby....

Devan:.. yeah but not yet....we want our boys to grow..... like dalin is 2 years old dallas is 8 months old....

Nessa:..we do want another one but not if we did pregnant again we're gonna be happy but we're being careful... I just want my beautiful daughter...

Devan:.. me too but not yet.... next question is do you guys have any girls or boys names when it comes to baby # 3... we have a girl name...

Nessa:..we do I just get excited about her name....

Devan:.. yeah so I came up with the boys names...

Nessa:.. yeah it comes to his mind so....

Devan:.. yeah so did this name....

Nessa:..no you didn't I came up with her name...

Devan:.. I came up with her middle name and her name...

Nessa:... whatever last question is how many kids do you guys want....um we said 4...

Devan:.. yeah but we're gonna stick with 3 ...

Nessa:..yeah....3 kids....

Devan:..so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels bye you guys....

Few months later....Roni and Aaron has a surprise for everyone they share it with Aaron's parents and Roni and Nessa's parents and YouTube friends....they told Collins and Carla and John and Devan and Nessa and Alex and Andrew.....

Roni:.. okay you guys we have news...


Devan:.. what is it...(holding dallas)..

their lives are gonna change or is it ❤️🤔(Merrell twins & Key Brothers)❤️Where stories live. Discover now