Chapter Six: Barnes & Noble...

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I gave her a glare.  "What do you mean, 'can't he just tell me'?"  I ask, about to rip my twin sister's throat apart.  "He's clearly in love with you, you're just oblivious to his comments!" she exclaims, awakening Jacob.  "Hey...Lily, what's going on?" He says, his deep sleepy voice making him look so cute with his ruffled hair.  "Nothing, she just wanted to ask me what to wear on her next date with Brody", "I broke up with Brody last night".

"What?!  You guys were all so lovey-dovey though!  What happened?"  I asked, begging for some detail, but instead she starts sobbing and in need of consolation.  I rub her back as Jacob gets up and does the same. 

"I found out he was cheating on me with Slutty Crystal at school in World History class" she said, her mascara falling down her cheeks and the foundation rubbing off.  Yeah, she needs to buy good quality makeup but she's broke.  "How about this?  Jake, is it okay if we buy something with your money?  I'll pay you back with my paychecks" I asked.  "Hey, no worries, it's cool, it's fun spoiling my best friends, no need to pay me back"

he said.  His smile and our driven attitude made us separate rooms and go to the mall.  As we're at Green Grove Mall, it's a street-wide wall so of course Lily is going nuts at Sephora.

"That'll be two hundred dollars and forty-five cents, cash or card?" The cashier spoke.  "Card, here you go" Jacob responded, happy that he can make my sister happy.  I'm not   jealous or anything! I just would want to see Jacob spoil me.  "Where do you wanna go?"  Jacob turns to me and he smiles.  "Barnes and Noble sounds good".

Barnes and Noble, such a wonderful place to read.  Books, drama, mystery, romance, thrills, I love it all!  Lily went to a cafe at the bookstore as we were browsing books.  Jacob has a basket, ready to see if I put any in it.

"Oh, 'Will They or Won't They'! I heard it was GOOD, let's read the back.."

Turns out, I loved it, but I didn't want Jacob to buy it for me, it's Lily's day!! But he asked ME where I WANT to it makes sense.  I put the book down and look somewhere else.  I hear Jacob pick up a book and put it in the basket, but he's behind me so I can't see. 

"Oh, sounded interesting, huh?  You should get it! Tell me how it goes" I say, the book I grabbed in his hands.

He indeed puts the book in the basket, now onto the next genre of romance. I love fake dating books, so I look at those.  It felt like every book I picked up, he picked it out too.  I see four books in the basket, all books that I found interesting.  I ignore it because we both have the same taste in almost everything, until we check out.

"That'll be seventy-two dollars!"..I FREAKED! He was already putting his membership phone number in the register, he was paying.  "You don't have to do all that! Maybe we can go half?"  I hesitate his purchase, he grabs me by the waist.  "It's fine, really!  Besides, you wanted these books, I'll get them for you okay?" he assured me, I nod in approval, got my sister and left Barnes & Noble.

That was such an intense moment for me, grabbing me by THE WAIST?  Why did he have to do that?  Just to hear me better because I'm so short?  Like, what?  Then, he laid his head on one of my shoulders as we were browsing books. It was adorable but why is he driving me crazy like that!? Does he know I like him?  Did he overhear my conversation with Lily?  Who knows, but I needed to get out of that bookstore, or else I would really say something I regret.   


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